
Wiring hints?

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Very cool project. I don't have access to a laser cutter, but I do have a table saw, and I'd love to build something like this for dust management in my workshop—and It'll be good practice for when my commercial air purifiers eventually fail.

Also appreciate the README. Having links to parts is super helpful. And, I love that the README doesn't assume that the reader knows enough about woodworking to be confident doing a glue-up—or even that they have clamps. :)

That said, I could use an equivalent level of remedial hints when it comes to the electronics. I have super basic questions, like: how many fans can run on a single power adapter? Assuming the answer to that is more than "one", are there connectors to chain them, or do I bust out electrical tape and wire the fans together directly?

👶😂 (I did build a few PCs for work once, but it was... 1997, I think, and I just bought what the nice people in the computer store picked out for me. Even if I remembered any of that, I'm sure it'd be obsolete now.)