
`tidy-DataOrdinal` produces incorrect results

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.DefaultDataOrdinal() %>% tidy()
# A tibble: 10 × 11
      ID Cohort  Dose Placebo  NObs NGrid DoseGrid   XLevel Cat0  Cat1  Cat2 
   <int>  <int> <dbl> <lgl>   <int> <int> <list>      <int> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
 1     1      1    10 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      1 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 2     2      2    20 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      2 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 3     3      3    30 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      3 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 4     4      4    40 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      4 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 5     5      5    50 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      5 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 6     6      5    50 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      5 FALSE TRUE  FALSE
 7     7      5    50 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      5 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 8     8      6    60 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      6 FALSE FALSE FALSE
 9     9      6    60 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      6 FALSE TRUE  FALSE
10    10      6    60 FALSE      10    10 <dbl [10]>      6 FALSE FALSE TRUE

By definition, Cat0 should be equal to !(Cat1 || Cat2), but it is FALSE for all rows. The fix is straightforward: add an additional mutate to correct the default handling of Cat0.