
Buttons to link additional "reporting proposals" component in the same participatory space

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Original Request

As a user, I would like an additional button next to "add a proposal" so that I can quickly switch from idea to damage (and vice versa).
(--> One Button for "reporting a damage" and one for "reporting an idea", that links to the second tab).
Example link settings:


Instead of limiting the button to a concept of damage or idea, we will create in the component settings a new input with the name of the button and a URL. This way the admin is free to use this extra button to whatever they want

Implementation screnshots




In a given participatory space, many components of the type "Reporting proposals" can be added

  • Add an option in the component settings for adding a new button next to "new proposal". Text and link should be configurable.
  • Display the button in the index public view if configured
  • Specs for it