Only allow ODS extension
Asbjoedt opened this issue · 2 comments
The file SHOULD NOT have extensions ".fods" and ".ots".
Some organisations might want to only allow one extension. This would most likely be either ".fods" (flat XML file without zip structure and no folders) or .ods (more widespread).
As I understand Carl, it could be solved by improving the validator to accept a config file where it is possible to delimit the extensions. This could definitely work, but we should write this in the specification either in the guidelines that this option exists or in the file format policy, so it literally mentions a sub requirement of ODS_3, which allows the organisation to further downscope the extensions.
Checking the extension should be coupled with checking mimetype, which according to the standard specifies a dictionary where extension and mimetype is coupled together, however this dictionary does not include ".fods", so we need to discuss how to handle this. Reference: page 770 in Part 3: OpenDocument Schema
The working group have discussed this and think keeping the specification open to support all three extensions are the best way to proceeed, but that delimiting any file format extension should be supported by the OPF spreadsheets validator. This should be created as a separate ticket on the repository for the spreadsheet validator.