
travis memcached problem

yanxurui opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, sorry to bother you.

It requires to start a memcached listening at the default port(11211) when I trigger the test by prove -r t in local environment.
I am really confused that .travis.yml doesn't declare:

  - memcached

How is it possible to pass test in travis-ci environment?

@yanxurui Maybe travis ci starts a default memcached server automatically? I'm not sure.

For running the tests locally, we must start a memcached server listening on the default 11211 port. I'm sure about this part.

Thank you very much.
Yes, I totally agree with you.
I made a test.
If I declare

sudo: required
dist: trusty

Then there is a default memcacahed server although the travis documentation doesn't clarify this point.