
How to delivery the websocket across request?

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I want to find all the current connect sock to the websocket server, and send response to them.(a chatting room.) I Save the socks to module table in every request. When I use the saved socks to send response,I found that the socks already closed.How Can I do , I Know the cosocket has the same
lifetime as the request.How can I shared sock across request.

Any one can write a chatting room example use the lua-resty-websocket for me . thx,very

@ruiyinchen Instead of delivering sockets themselves across different requests, you should delivery data or message. You cannot operate on a cosocket object directly from the context of another request that did not create it.

BTW, such general discussions should go to the openresty-en mailing list. See

@agentzh ,thank very much.

WebSockets with OpenResty by Aapo Talvensaari:


Here is chat-app that I wrote to demonstrate some of my components for OpenResty Con 2015:

For web sockets, see:


It uses Redis as a backend and pub/sub channel. You could do without Redis and use shared dict for example, but well, take a look.

But remember, it is just a demo.

It uses resty.websocket, as you can se here (this is an abstraction in my route framework to route websockets packets):