Fix webfield template
Closed this issue · 2 comments
melisabok commented
function renderConferenceHeader() {
title: <<TITLE>>,
subtitle: <<SUBTITLE>>,
location: <<LOCATION>>,
date: <<DATE>>,
website: <<URL>>,
instructions: null, // Add any custom instructions here. Accepts HTML
// deadline: '2017-06-06 17:00:00'
date: should be the date of the workshop, not the deadline
deadline: should be an string saying "Submission Deadline: June 17th, 2017 5:00pm" using the human readable date param.
When you call the template you need to change the parameters:
with open(directory + '/webfield/conf.html', 'w') as new_webfile, open(utils.get_path('./conference-template/webfield/conf.template',__file__)) as template_webfile:
templatestring ='<<TITLE>>',"\"%s\"" % conference_title)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<CONF>>',"\"%s\"" % conference)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<SUBMISSION_NAME>>', submission_name)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<SUBTITLE>>',"\"%s\"" % conference_subtitle)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<LOCATION>>',"\"%s\"" % conference_location)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<DATE>>',"\"%s\"" % human_duedate)
templatestring = templatestring.replace('<<URL>>',"\"%s\"" % url)
DATE: should be the date when the workshop starts
and add a new parameter for the duedate like HUMAN_DUE_DATE
pmandler commented
I'll take it.