Allow closed / autoclosed reports to be refiled from public side
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Closed / Autoclosed reports can be checked from the public side or admin, but complaints cannot be filed, eg:
Can you
(1) Allow a public user to recheck the URL and send a complaint if blocked; and
(2) Allow an admin user to use the "resend report" feature
Ah, maybe it is just the second of those which is needed.
At the moment, once a report has been filed the URL can't be re-reported. The admin portal allows a report to be cancelled, allowing re-filing from the public or admin interface.
I'm currently working on allowing public/admin refiling where a site has been:
blocked -> reported -> unblocked -> blocked again,
essentially treating a previously unblocked site the same as a never-previously-reported site.
I'm not sure whether a site that was blocked -> reported -> closed should eligible for resubmission from the public site. Generally the accepted/rejected statuses would apply - closed/auto-closed were convenience statuses for reports that pre-dated the capture of accepted/rejected outcomes.
The restriction originally existed to prevent repeat/nuisance unblock requests against sites that had no prospect of being unblocked.