
index ready time

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Running on a 8core 8gb ram system... since 30min ago

curl http://localhost:8000/readyz
{"detail":"Index not ready."}

anyone knows aproximatley how much time it takes to finish it?

Thank you

pudo commented

That's too much time. Can you access the log stream for the yente container and share it here?

it's finished. took about 1h

pudo commented

Just to follow up here:

  • Did you enable the statements API? That thing takes forever, the entities should be much faster.
  • Maybe consider upping the memory available to ElasticSearch a bit (in docker-compose.yml, ES_JAVA_OPTS). For your spec, I'd dedicate almost half your memory to the index - also for better runtime performance.

Thanks alot for the help and this repo.