
goesdump reports intermittent sharing violations when performing file operations

n2cr opened this issue · 1 comments

n2cr commented

Platform: Ubuntu 16.04 running in VMware ESXI virtual machine

8:06:00 AM/ERROR Error moving file channels/42/1348_0__decomp12865.lrit to /home/cwiener/test/channels/Images/Area of Interest/gos13chnIR04rgnXXseg003res04dat063130534699.lrit: System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path channels/42/1348_0__decomp12865.lrit
at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) <0x7f5c9d95a640 + 0x00305> in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSatelliteProject.FileHandler.DefaultHandler (System.String filename, OpenSatelliteProject.PacketData.XRITHeader fileHeader) <0x413d8670 + 0x004c8> in <filename unknown>:0```

Ok so I fixed that and forgot to mark it. Fixed on opensatelliteproject/goesdump@31f6555