
[Meta] OpenSearch / OpenSearch Dashboards - Windows distribution (X64)

bbarani opened this issue ยท 49 comments

Describe the solution you'd like
Provide signed (X64)Windows artifact for OpenSearch / OpenSearch Dashboards

Additional context
Currently there are no Windows artifacts for OpenSearch / OpenSearch Dashboards

Current State (2021/10/28)

You can build on Windows or build cross-platform for Windows on Linux or MacOS.

  1. Install pre-requisites (everything needed in OpenSearch Dev Guide + maven for Security Plugin).
  2. Build artifacts from source, ./ manifests/1.1.0/opensearch-1.1.0.yml --platform windows
  3. Assemble a bundle, ./ buids/manifest.yml.
  4. Produces
  5. Extract .zip, e.g. into C:\Program Files\OpenSearch
  6. Run bash plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ and follow prompts to create demo certificate.
  7. mkdir logs (opensearch-project/OpenSearch#1463)
  8. Run bin\opensearch.bat, server will start.
  9. curl https://localhost:9200 -u admin:admin --insecure
(Old Tasks)



Design Document

OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards

Plugins Meta Issues


MSI Only Issue:

The greatest value and the least effort would be a ZIP deliverable. This would be sufficient for windows desktop developers and sysadmins installing on a server. Thanks

Hello, we would also be interested in an installable Windows version or instructions on how to get this working on Windows. We were about to implement this tech into a project and then saw the lic change and fork. We are eager to get onto the forked version and get something into prod. Thank you for reading this.

If anyone on this issue wants to contribute I'd start with opensearch-project/dashboards-observability#11. The python build workflow will need a bit of work to execute properly on Windows, it currently assumes a lot of *nix paths.

We are looking at which talks about workarounds, but also hoping to get this supported natively with a distribution released.

Sad that it moved to target 1.3 ( but looking for ways to help.

The easiest way to help is to get bundle workflow to succeed on Windows. It think it would require a little bit of python work (we join paths with / all over the place) and small stuff stuff like that. Basically I want to be able to run the equivalent of ../manifests/1.1.0/openseach-1.1.0.yml on Windows.

I can help merging PRs and such and maybe we can get this in earlier?

+1 too

For reference, Elasticsearch's windows installation offered admins a set of options for how to run/manage it, including as a service. Let's be sure to understand which of these are important to users on Windows and implement them for the Windows version of OpenSearch.

Beyond building on Windows, I would be happy to help anyone to write a wix-based installer for the OpenSearch distribution for windows, possibly made faster by using this library of custom actions. Definitely a project that could then be moved and maintained as part of opensearch-project org. It would make it super easy for anyone running Windows to get started with OpenSearch.

After testing on Windows 2019 server with GUI, I am able to start the Linux x64 Tarball by removing linux jdk, install Windows jdk, remove knn, remove PA.

# ./
OpenSearch Security Demo Installer
 ** Warning: Do not use on production or public reachable systems **
Basedir: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0
OpenSearch install type: .tar.gz on NAME=MSYS2
OpenSearch config dir: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/config
OpenSearch config file: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/config/opensearch.yml
OpenSearch bin dir: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/bin
OpenSearch plugins dir: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/plugins
OpenSearch lib dir: /opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/lib
Detected OpenSearch Version: x-content-1.1.0
Detected OpenSearch Security Version:
/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/config/opensearch.yml seems to be already configured for Security. Quit.
chmod: cannot access '/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/plugins/opensearch-performance-analyzer/pa_bin/performance-analyzer-agent': No such file or directory
done security
done plugins
Checking kNN library
ls: cannot access '/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/plugins/opensearch-knn/knnlib/libKNNIndex*.so': No such file or directory
KNN lib path not found, set new path
[2021-10-11T22:20:04,066][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] version[1.1.0], pid[4984], build[tar/15e9f137622d878b79103df8f82d78d782b686a1/2021-10-04T21:29:03.079792Z], OS[Windows Server 2019/10.0/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.2/14.0.2+12]
[2021-10-11T22:20:04,066][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] JVM home [C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\jdk], using bundled JDK [true]
[2021-10-11T22:20:04,066][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Dopensearch.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Dopensearch.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30,\msys64\tmp\opensearch, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -Dclk.tck=1000, -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true,, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Dopensearch.path.home=C:/msys64/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0, -Dopensearch.path.conf=C:/msys64/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/config, -Dopensearch.distribution.type=tar, -Dopensearch.bundled_jdk=true]
[2021-10-11T22:20:05,176][INFO ][o.o.s.s.t.SSLConfig      ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] SSL dual mode is disabled
[2021-10-11T22:20:05,176][INFO ][o.o.s.OpenSearchSecurityPlugin] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] OpenSearch Config path is C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\config
[2021-10-11T22:20:05,441][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] JVM supports TLSv1.3
[2021-10-11T22:20:05,441][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Config directory is C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\config/, from there the key- and truststore files are resolved relatively
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,004][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] TLS Transport Client Provider : JDK
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,004][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] TLS Transport Server Provider : JDK
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,004][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] TLS HTTP Provider             : JDK
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,004][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Enabled TLS protocols for transport layer : [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1]
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,004][INFO ][o.o.s.s.DefaultSecurityKeyStore] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Enabled TLS protocols for HTTP layer      : [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1]
[2021-10-11T22:20:06,207][INFO ][o.o.s.OpenSearchSecurityPlugin] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Clustername: opensearch
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,394][INFO ][o.o.i.r.ReindexPlugin    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] ReindexPlugin reloadSPI called
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,394][INFO ][o.o.i.r.ReindexPlugin    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Unable to find any implementation for RemoteReindexExtension
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,410][INFO ][o.o.j.JobSchedulerPlugin ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Loaded scheduler extension: opendistro-index-management, index: .opendistro-ism-config
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,426][INFO ][o.o.j.JobSchedulerPlugin ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Loaded scheduler extension: opendistro_anomaly_detector, index: .opendistro-anomaly-detector-jobs
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.j.JobSchedulerPlugin ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Loaded scheduler extension: reports-scheduler, index: .opendistro-reports-definitions
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [analysis-common]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [geo]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [ingest-common]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [ingest-geoip]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [ingest-user-agent]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [lang-expression]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [lang-mustache]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [lang-painless]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [mapper-extras]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [opensearch-dashboards]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [parent-join]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [percolator]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [rank-eval]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [reindex]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [repository-url]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded module [transport-netty4]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-alerting]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-anomaly-detection]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-asynchronous-search]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-cross-cluster-replication]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-index-management]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-job-scheduler]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-notebooks]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-reports-scheduler]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-security]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,504][INFO ][o.o.p.PluginsService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] loaded plugin [opensearch-sql]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,519][INFO ][o.o.s.OpenSearchSecurityPlugin] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Disabled https compression by default to mitigate BREACH attacks. You can enable it by setting 'http.compression: true' in opensearch.yml
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,535][INFO ][o.o.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] using [1] data paths, mounts [[(C:)]], net usable_space [77gb], net total_space [99.9gb], types [NTFS]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,535][INFO ][o.o.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
[2021-10-11T22:20:09,598][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] node name [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT], node ID [DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w], cluster name [opensearch], roles [master, remote_cluster_client, data, ingest]
[2021-10-11T22:20:13,331][WARN ][o.o.s.c.Salt             ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] If you plan to use field masking pls configure compliance salt e1ukloTsQlOgPquJ to be a random string of 16 chars length identical on all nodes
[2021-10-11T22:20:13,363][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Message routing enabled: true
[2021-10-11T22:20:13,472][INFO ][o.o.s.f.SecurityFilter   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] <NONE> indices are made immutable.
[2021-10-11T22:20:13,925][INFO ][o.o.a.b.ADCircuitBreakerService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Registered memory breaker.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by io.protostuff.runtime.PolymorphicThrowableSchema (file:/C:/msys64/opensearch/opensearch-1.1.0/plugins/opensearch-anomaly-detection/protostuff-runtime-1.7.4.jar) to field java.lang.Throwable.cause
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of io.protostuff.runtime.PolymorphicThrowableSchema
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[2021-10-11T22:20:14,753][INFO ][o.o.t.NettyAllocator     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] creating NettyAllocator with the following configs: [name=unpooled, suggested_max_allocation_size=256kb, factors={opensearch.unsafe.use_unpooled_allocator=null, g1gc_enabled=true, g1gc_region_size=1mb, heap_size=1gb}]
[2021-10-11T22:20:14,831][INFO ][o.o.d.DiscoveryModule    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] using discovery type [zen] and seed hosts providers [settings]
[2021-10-11T22:20:15,222][WARN ][o.o.g.DanglingIndicesState] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] gateway.auto_import_dangling_indices is disabled, dangling indices will not be automatically detected or imported and must be managed manually
[2021-10-11T22:20:15,722][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] initialized
[2021-10-11T22:20:15,722][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] starting ...
[2021-10-11T22:20:15,935][INFO ][o.o.t.TransportService   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}, {[::1]:9300}
[2021-10-11T22:20:16,138][WARN ][o.o.b.BootstrapChecks    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] the default discovery settings are unsuitable for production use; at least one of [discovery.seed_hosts, discovery.seed_providers, cluster.initial_master_nodes] must be configured
[2021-10-11T22:20:16,157][INFO ][o.o.c.c.ClusterBootstrapService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] no discovery configuration found, will perform best-effort cluster bootstrapping after [3s] unless existing master is discovered
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,164][INFO ][o.o.c.c.Coordinator      ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] setting initial configuration to VotingConfiguration{DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w}
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,368][INFO ][o.o.c.s.MasterService    ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT}{DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w}{9Cy-ux1cTZWwIh6ss72SrQ}{}{}{dimr} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 1, version: 1, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT}{DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w}{9Cy-ux1cTZWwIh6ss72SrQ}{}{}{dimr}]}
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,430][INFO ][o.o.c.c.CoordinationState] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] cluster UUID set to [0IWTz4_WTqa5PjQQEWz5dw]
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,493][INFO ][o.o.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] master node changed {previous [], current [{EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT}{DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w}{9Cy-ux1cTZWwIh6ss72SrQ}{}{}{dimr}]}, term: 1, version: 1, reason: Publication{term=1, version=1}
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,508][INFO ][o.o.a.c.ADClusterEventListener] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Cluster is not recovered yet.
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}, {[::1]:9200}
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.n.Node               ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] started
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.s.OpenSearchSecurityPlugin] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Node started
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will attempt to create index .opendistro_security and default configs if they are absent
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Background init thread started. Install default config?: true
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,540][INFO ][o.o.s.OpenSearchSecurityPlugin] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] 0 OpenSearch Security modules loaded so far: []
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,594][INFO ][o.o.a.c.HashRing         ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Node added: [DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w]
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,594][INFO ][o.o.g.GatewayService     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,594][INFO ][o.o.a.c.HashRing         ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Add data node to AD version hash ring: DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.HashRing         ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] All nodes with known AD version: {DRoyIbNJQc6vfJ8KlwRD7w=ADNodeInfo{version=1.1.0, isEligibleDataNode=true}}
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.HashRing         ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Rebuild AD hash ring for realtime AD with cooldown, nodeChangeEvents size 0
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.HashRing         ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Build AD version hash ring successfully
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.ADDataMigrator   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Start migrating AD data
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.ADDataMigrator   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] AD job index doesn't exist, no need to migrate
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,609][INFO ][o.o.a.c.ADClusterEventListener] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Init AD version hash ring successfully
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,719][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1]
[2021-10-11T22:20:19,734][INFO ][o.o.c.r.a.AllocationService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.opendistro_security]
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,058][INFO ][o.o.c.r.a.AllocationService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.opendistro_security][0]]]).
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,137][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Index .opendistro_security created?: true
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,137][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Node started, try to initialize it. Wait for at least yellow cluster state....
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,137][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'config' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/config.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,230][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] create_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,465][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'config' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,465][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'roles' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/roles.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,480][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,668][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'roles' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,668][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'rolesmapping' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/roles_mapping.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,683][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,855][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'rolesmapping' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,855][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'internalusers' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:20,871][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,043][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'internalusers' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,043][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'actiongroups' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/action_groups.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,058][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,230][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'actiongroups' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,230][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'tenants' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/tenants.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,246][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,402][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'tenants' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,402][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'nodesdn' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/nodes_dn.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=true
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,418][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,590][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'nodesdn' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,590][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'whitelist' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/whitelist.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=true
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,590][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,746][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'whitelist' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,746][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Will update 'audit' with C:\msys64\opensearch\opensearch-1.1.0\plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig/audit.yml and populate it with empty doc if file missing and populateEmptyIfFileMissing=false
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,777][INFO ][o.o.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [.opendistro_security/QYxJjeRMTVqMX8xEttANYg] update_mapping [_doc]
[2021-10-11T22:20:21,933][INFO ][o.o.s.s.ConfigHelper     ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Doc with id 'audit' and version 2 is updated in .opendistro_security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][stdout                   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [FINE] No subscribers registered for event class$NodesDnModelImpl
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][stdout                   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [FINE] No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing on REST API is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [AUTHENTICATED, GRANTED_PRIVILEGES] are excluded from REST API auditing.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing on Transport API is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] [AUTHENTICATED, GRANTED_PRIVILEGES] are excluded from Transport API auditing.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,077][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing of request body is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Bulk requests resolution is disabled during request auditing.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Index resolution is enabled during request auditing.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Sensitive headers auditing is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing requests from kibanaserver users is disabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing of external configuration is disabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing of internal configuration is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing only metadata information for read request is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing will watch {} for read requests.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing read operation requests from kibanaserver users is disabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing only metadata information for write request is enabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing diffs for write requests is disabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing write operation requests from kibanaserver users is disabled.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Auditing will watch <NONE> for write requests.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] .opendistro_security is used as internal security index.
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.a.i.AuditLogImpl   ] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Internal index used for posting audit logs is null
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Hot-reloading of audit configuration is enabled
[2021-10-11T22:20:22,093][INFO ][o.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT] Node 'EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT' initialized

# curl https://localhost:9200 -u admin:admin --insecure
  "name" : "EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT",
  "cluster_name" : "opensearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "0IWTz4_WTqa5PjQQEWz5dw",
  "version" : {
    "distribution" : "opensearch",
    "number" : "1.1.0",
    "build_type" : "tar",
    "build_hash" : "15e9f137622d878b79103df8f82d78d782b686a1",
    "build_date" : "2021-10-04T21:29:03.079792Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "8.9.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
  "tagline" : "The OpenSearch Project:"

# uname -a
MSYS_NT-10.0-17763 EC2AMAZ-0ODBHTT 3.2.0-340.x86_64 2021-08-02 16:30 UTC x86_64 Msys

Let's work this POC into our build process.

Looking at we can make a few minimal changes to produce a Windows zip during the assemble step.

The Windows release are based on the LINUX tarball. Here are the steps to produce a OpenSearch Windows Zip.

  1. Download the latest tarball from downloads page.

a) If we want to use released artifacts, then we should be using the build manifest that was produced with the released build, and remove the components that don't work on windows from that. If we want to be super clean, add support for exclusions to assemble, e.g. --exclude k-nn --exclude ....

b) If we want to build from source, create another manifest (e.g. opensearch-windows-1.1.0.yml) that doesn't have the components that are currently not supported on Windows and add it to manifests/1.1.0. Calling manifests/1.1.0/opensearch-windows-1.1.0.yml will produce the right set of components for windows, from source, with no code changes.

  1. Untar the tarball.

Nothing to do, (1).

  1. Download the latest release of Windows JDK14 from AdoptOpenJDK here

a) The code that extracts the min tarball needs to also run a custom post-install script that will delete the JDK and install a Windows JDK. We already have custom install scripts run for each plugin, we need to add this same code as a post-step to the min bundle.

b) Longer term, we'll want to support building a -min no-JDK bundle on Linux targeting Windows and include that in the manifest.

  1. Extract the archive, rename the folder to jdk and replace it with the bundled jdk folder from the OpenSearch LINUX tarball.

Done in (3).

  1. Go into the bin folder, and run ./opensearch-plugin remove <Plugin Folder Name> to remove opensearch-knn and opensearch-performance-analyzer.

Nothing to do, see (1).

  1. Remove knn and performance analyzer related configurations from, but it is optional, as it will not stop OpenSearch from launching on Windows.

Nothing to do, see (1).

  1. You can start OpenSearch on Windows either by running or by running bin/opensearch from Shell.

This works.

  1. If you want to start OpenSearch by running .bat files, you need to make some tweaks based on the OpenDistro for Elasticsearch Windows Zip here.
    You can unzip the archive, copy all the .bat files from ODFE bin folder to OpenSearch bin folder. Make corresponding tweaks, and make them run for OpenSearch.

Can bring any .bat files along the way in (3).


Modify README to say to run ... followed by with the right parameters to produce a Windows zip.

Even if we produce a Windows bundle we have no guarantees it works. So I think we want to build Windows from source more than we want what's proposed above, on Windows hardware. Run manifests/1.1.0/opensearch-1.1.0.yml on Windows and open/fix any bugs. This would produce a native Windows bundle. Each component should also be adding Windows in their CI and we should be adding native support in plugins such as k-nn for Windows. This is obviously more work, and we can do both.

@peternied Do we have a permalink to the public location for the released 1.1.0 build manifest.yml?

Both the OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards repos have Windows build targets, that produce installable Windows artifacts. Rather than start with the Linux build and reconfigure it for Windows, we should be starting with those build artifacts and adding the plugins and enhancements that we know work in Windows.

I'm working on fixing this repo to work on Windows in

CI for this repo fixed for Windows in #767 (+ #772 and #768).

For anyone reading this, we've made some progress! The tl;dr is that we/you can now build a Windows distribution on both native Windows and cross-platform on Linux and MacOS. I've been successfully running the output of that on a Windows Server 2019. See current state above for instructions and workarounds.

There's a lot of work remaining to make an official Windows distribution and we can definitely use some help. They fall into two major categories: CI/CD on Windows for various plugins, and replacing .sh scripts with their native .bat counterparts. I tried to link all known items and issues in the summary above. Your help is much appreciated!

As OpenSearch we made the decision to push out releasing the Windows platform from the 1.2.0 release scheduled for Nov 16th onto our next release 1.3.0. Additional details will be added into this ticket as we plan out what is needed to release on Windows with quality.

Even with this change, work continues to get the build infrastructure prepared and ready so all developers can start kicking the tires with OpenSearch on Windows.

Thanks for the heads up and for highlighting the remaining work. TBD if myself or colleagues will be able to contribute but we are following and eager.

I have seen this issue isn't in the roadmap board anymore. Is it not planed to provide a distro for Windows?

We are currently working on creating Linux based distributions (RPM and Deb) at this point in time. Please feel free to provide your inputs on this issue #741 to prioritize other non Linux distributions. As always, we welcome any contribution towards the development of additional distributions.

Elastic search refactoring seems to have altered the commands within service scripts from //ES to //OPENSEARCH:

Where //ES stands for

//ES Start (execute) the service

From Apaches 'Procrun service application' I presume, not elastic search.
Possibly more scripts affected, just came up when wanting to test as a service within windows.

Hi, any update for the distro for windows.

Hi, any update for the distro for windows.

I am afraid it's still in the same state as what I said above. Please pickup any of the above open items if you have some hands.

Thankyou @dblock . I understand the delay because of the shortage of hands, but would you have a high level time limit so that we can plan accordingly for our clients.

Thankyou @dblock . I understand the delay because of the shortage of hands, but would you have a high level time limit so that we can plan accordingly for our clients.


Thankyou @dblock . I understand the delay because of the shortage of hands, but would you have a high level time limit so that we can plan accordingly for our clients.


I'd rather not promise any timelines at this point.

great work! but I I will stick with es for now.

So when we release this, I understand we will be using the next release vehicle available to make it generally available. For example, if the closest release to when we're ready is 2.x, that release will be available for deb, rpm and Windows.

But thinking about it, I'd like to plan at the same time to release a windows 1.3.x artifact (on conversely, if we're releasing on 1.3.x, scope in the latest 2.x release).

Can we please scope that in? And if you were already planning to do it that way, well, I'll go back to shouting at clouds over here ;)


Elastic search refactoring seems to have altered the commands within service scripts from //ES to //OPENSEARCH:

Where //ES stands for

//ES Start (execute) the service
From Apaches 'Procrun service application' I presume, not elastic search. Possibly more scripts affected, just came up when wanting to test as a service within windows.

@ZakMcKrack3n, FYI, ran into this today, PR submitted.

Hi All,

We are able to add Windows Snapshot distribution build into our Jenkins Pipeline.
Here are the links for you to access OpenSearch Min (without plugins) in Windows x64 Zip format:


Note that all of these zips are SNAPSHOT, non-production-ready artifacts, which is only available for testing purposes.

We welcome your feedbacks and suggestions as these artifacts will be updated overtime.


Update 20220927:

Update 20221010:

Update 20221024:

Update 20221028:

Update 20221101/20221103:

Update 20221105:

We have windows release candidate prepared for release on 2.4.0:

It looks like we're making progress on the Windows distribution, but I am a bit concerned that we're not adding Windows CI to OpenSearch core itself, which is opensearch-project/OpenSearch#1448. cc: @CEHENKLE

It looks like we're making progress on the Windows distribution, but I am a bit concerned that we're not adding Windows CI to OpenSearch core itself, which is opensearch-project/OpenSearch#1448. cc: @CEHENKLE

@bbarani / @peterzhuamazon -- What date would we need this by? (flagging for @minalsha)

It looks like we're making progress on the Windows distribution, but I am a bit concerned that we're not adding Windows CI to OpenSearch core itself, which is opensearch-project/OpenSearch#1448. cc: @CEHENKLE

@bbarani / @peterzhuamazon -- What date would we need this by? (flagging for @minalsha)

I think this is a must have if we're going to be making any official distribution for Windows. We have to ensure that tests pass.

I am a bit confused if you are talking about windows snapshot in build repo, it is currently commented out because of some bugs I am fixing, but it is able to run tho.

if you are talking about core repo then I am not doing anything there.


@peterzhuamazon This is exactly what I am raising - the distribution build for windows is working, but we aren't running tests on windows in OpenSearch core.

how do you run the jenkins builds on windows? this line here:

[ -z "$PLATFORM" ] && PLATFORM=$(uname -s | awk '{print tolower($0)}')

doesn't return windows for me when running it in mingw64 (part of Git for Windows):

$ uname -s

though it's probably not an issue as you're explicitly already passing it in here:

nevertheless, it might be worth it to explicitly handle windows in so that the script can be also be run manually w/o having to explicitly set the platform on windows?

PS: unrelated, but something i just learnt and wanted to share ๐Ÿ™‚: you can avoid using awk here by using ${PLATFORM,,} to turn it to lowercase (see e.g. this article)

how do you run the jenkins builds on windows?

That is called from the build workflow which takes an input manifest and supports --platform.

do we have a Dashboards artifact for windows to test ?

do we have a Dashboards artifact for windows to test ?

Dashboards core artifact generation for Windows is currently blocked due to below issues


@bbarani @CEHENKLE @davidlago We've got an parity support question for this upcoming release.

In the Security Plugin there is support for using OpenSSL instead of the Java's native SSLEngine, this features defaults to off and is only supported when running JDK11. It works with no issues on Linux and MacOS platforms running JDK11.

Windows is non-trivially different and we have yet to get the feature working on this platform (~2 dev days of effort). Based on its complexity, and redundancy; I am of the opinion that we should not consider this a release blocker windows platform. We instead will update the feature to be disabled on Windows and update the documentation accordingly. Post 2.4.0 if there is interest, support for OpenSSL could be added.

Alternatively, if we focus on supporting OpenSSL for windows on JDK 11 I have low confidence we will deliver this feature for the feature freeze date of 11/03, we can have a better completion estimate for the EOD of Monday 11/01.

What do you think of dropping OpenSSL support for the Windows platform in 2.4.0?

[1] opensearch-project/security#2195

My $0.02 is to not block 2.4 on Windows for this support, as it is something that is not universally supported (across JDK versions) for our other distributions and there is an alternative SSL engine. Also, we never had a Windows release, supporting OpenSSL to begin with, so this is not technically "dropping" support potentially breaking some folks who were already relying on it.

What do you think of dropping OpenSSL support for the Windows platform in 2.4.0?

Circling back, turns out OpenSSL does not work on linux platforms either and hasn't for an indeterminate amount of time, this is not a platform specific issue anymore and so should have no impact on the 2.4.0 release. Thanks!

We have windows release candidate prepared for release on 2.4.0:


Official Windows 2.4.0 ZIP is released now:


@peterzhuamazon Please close this issue and create separate issues for pending action items.

Our 1.3.7 Version start supporting Windows ZIP for 1.x line:


Closing this issue as we have added Windows support to both 1.x and 2.x versions.