
Ensure branch protection rules across all plugin repos

dblock opened this issue · 7 comments

At least require 1 CR.

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@hyandell Is there a way to do this for the org? doesn't look like it

Do we need special permission to add "Branch protection rule" ? From this, should see "Branches" when open settings page. But I can't see it when open AD settings.

@dblock Since none of the plugin owners are not part of admin, can someone from do this ?

@dblock Since none of the plugin owners are not part of admin, can someone from do this ?

Yep, looks like we will have to do that. I'll figure out a script to do this across repos at some point soon.

All repos in opensearch-org now require at least 1 code review except:

All repos in opensearch-org now require at least 1 code review

Maybe I missed something. What's that code review about? Should plugin owners prepare and send out that code review?

@ylwu-amzn Hey -- so branch protection is a setting per repo (you can learn more here: I've now set on all the repos minus the ones listed above a rule that requires at least one code review before merge.

So there's nothing for you to do except verify that the rule is working. If you can merge with out a CR, then I made a mistake and will need to go back and check again.

Make sense?


Got it. Thanks. Will confirm if AD can work.