
ocm describe cluster does not work with %user%

Closed this issue · 3 comments

this format works for ocm list cluster and ocm cluster login, if it's possible to use it in describe that would be great

cben commented

Interesting, the way this currently works in a few commands is the string gets interpolated into a like API query e.g. search=name like '...' or id like '...', which supports SQL-like % wildcards.
Debatable whether bug or feature, but we do already document "%test%" in a few --help texts, so that's decided 😉

$ ocm list cluster %aaaa%
ID                                NAME                          API URL                                                     OPENSHIFT_VERSION   PRODUCT ID      CLOUD_PROVIDER  REGION ID       STATE           
17hdunrj3mlfl6o05akaaaaoe3ma674l  60f1ac56-4c33-4162-b186-35bd  NONE                                                        NONE                ocp             NONE            NONE            ready           
17krceg9jhcjv0psi16u1u2go7ljjajb  384f53d9-116d-4827-aaaa-a7ff  NONE                                                        4.2.0-0.okd-2019-0  ocp             NONE            NONE            ready           

However, ocm list cluster already supplies % on both sides in the query, so they can be omitted:

$ ocm list cluster aaaa
ID                                NAME                          API URL                                                     OPENSHIFT_VERSION   PRODUCT ID      CLOUD_PROVIDER  REGION ID       STATE           
17hdunrj3mlfl6o05akaaaaoe3ma674l  60f1ac56-4c33-4162-b186-35bd  NONE                                                        NONE                ocp             NONE            NONE            ready           
17krceg9jhcjv0psi16u1u2go7ljjajb  384f53d9-116d-4827-aaaa-a7ff  NONE                                                        4.2.0-0.okd-2019-0  ocp             NONE            NONE            ready           

$ ocm list cluster aaaa --debug
I0623 11:34:37.781306  590334 dump.go:138] Request URL is ''

Still, it can be useful in the middle:

$ ocm list cluster aa%aaa                             2021-06-23T11:39:03+03:00
ID                                NAME                          API URL                                                     OPENSHIFT_VERSION   PRODUCT ID      CLOUD_PROVIDER  REGION ID       STATE           
17q2j923bp0297hmj372i74sr076194b  1aa31aaa-cfce-419c-b1ea-811a  NONE                                                        NONE                ocp             NONE            NONE            ready           

ocm describe cluster currently queries for exactly 1 cluster, using search=name = '...' or id = '...' or external_id = '...' and limiting size=1 in the unlikely case of multiple matches (which wins is pretty arbitrary, not ideal).
If it were to support % queries, it should rather loop over all results, describing them all (with say empty line or --- between them).
Given precedent of kubectl describe working on multiple objects, I think this makes sense 👍

PRs welcome :)

Not sure I have bandwidth for it so if someone wants to pickup the glove / future me feel free to PR

thanks @cben for your detailed response!

Seems this is holding on for a while and I don't have any complaints on my end :)