
Some APBs failed validation and were unavailable

wenchma opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug: Some APBs failed validation and were unavailable

What happened:

level=warning msg="Spec [ postgresql-apb ] failed validation for the following reason: [ APB Spec version [1.0.0] out of bounds 1.0 <= 1.0 ]. It will not be made available."
time="2018-08-08T03:51:21Z" level=warning msg="Spec [ mediawiki-apb ] failed validation for the following reason: [ APB Spec version [1.0.0] out of bounds 1.0 <= 1.0 ]. It will not be made available."
time="2018-08-08T03:51:21Z" level=warning msg="Spec [ mysql-apb ] failed validation for the following reason: [ APB Spec version [1.0.0] out of bounds 1.0 <= 1.0 ]. It will not be made available."
time="2018-08-08T03:51:21Z" level=warning msg="Spec [ mariadb-apb ] failed validation for the following reason: [ APB Spec version [1.0.0] out of bounds 1.0 <= 1.0 ]. It will not be made available."

What you expected to happen:
These APBs should be available.

How to reproduce it:

$ svcat sync broker ansible-service-broker