
Openshift 3.10 not working ?

matzew opened this issue · 5 comments



Using the script from the README (and shown in the video) is not working:

What happened:

running (as shown in the video)

oc cluster up --enable=service-catalog,automation-service-broker,web-console

I am getting errors on my Ansible broker project:

In openshift-automation-service-broker-1-bmbbj (for instance)

container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"dashboard-redirector\": executable file not found in $PATH"

and in the deployer:

ing openshift-automation-service-broker-1 to 1
  | error: update acceptor rejected openshift-automation-service-broker-1: pods for rc 'openshift-automation-service-broker/openshift-automation-service-broker-1' took longer than 600 seconds to become availabl

Also here:

  | Using config file mounted to /etc/openshift-automation-service-broker/config.yaml
-- | --
  | ============================================================
  | ==           Starting Ansible Service Broker...           ==
  | ============================================================
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [NOTICE] - Initializing clients...
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Trying to connect to etcd
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Unable to get dao.etcd_host from config
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Unable to get dao.etcd_port from config
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Unable to get dao.etcd_ca_file from config
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Unable to get dao.etcd_client_key from config
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [DEBUG] - Unable to get dao.etcd_client_cert from config
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [INFO] - == ETCD CX ==
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [INFO] - EtcdHost:
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [INFO] - EtcdPort: 0
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.874Z] [INFO] - Endpoints: [http://:0]
  | [2018-08-14T10:37:50.875Z] [ERROR] - client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured; error #0: dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused

What you expected to happen:

A running ASB :-)

How to reproduce it:


oc cluster up --enable=service-catalog,automation-service-broker,web-console

What version of the client is this?

I see in the Broker's logs mentions of etcd...I would not expect to see etcd at all anymore. Would you also be able to tell me the container-image for the broker (ie. If you could also tell me the version of the broker in that image, that would also be very helpful:

$ docker run --rm --entrypoint asbd --version

Last time that I saw logs that looked like yours, it was from an extremely old version of the broker.

docker run --rm --entrypoint asbd --version 1.1.6 ➜ ~

and the client is:

oc v3.10.0+dd10d17
kubernetes v1.10.0+b81c8f8
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO

(from the OKD releases page)

OK, got the ASB running - but some images are having problems (E.g. keycloak-apb)

is that also due to 'old' images ?

what i generally wonder is why there is no use of 'real' tags, in OKD:

and than here:

all latest - instead of 'real' tags

closing in fav. of #1049