
Latest tag stopped working

Opened this issue · 4 comments

What happened:

When enabling ansible service broker in OKD 3.10, APBs never show up in the UI. Nothing suspicious in logs though.

It worked for me yesterday, but when I recreated the cluster, I was unable to find any APBs in web console.

I looked at and saw that latest tag was updated.

After manually updating dc to be using nightly tags for this image, the problem's gone.

After manually updating dc to be using nightly tags for this image, the problem's gone.

I'm not certain I understand you. You point to the automation-broker-apb tags and say, "updating dc to be using nightly tags for this image." There is no deploymentconfig that would have the automation-broker-apb, only pods.

My belief is that you are suggesting you updated the broker's deploymentconfig to use the nightly tag and the problems went away. This would likely be because the broker and broker-apb latest images are out of sync:

➜  ~ docker run --rm --entrypoint rpm -qa | grep 'broker'

➜  ~ docker run --rm --entrypoint rpm -qa | grep 'broker'

➜  ~ docker run --rm --entrypoint rpm -qa | grep 'broker'

This is actually my fault. I need to release a new broker container image and I'll do that this morning.

@djzager I mean openshift-automation-service-broker deployment, sorry.

Can you please update the thread once a new latest tag is pushed?

thank you

I can see a new tag, but still same behavior with Origin 3.10.

Update: I had to pull images, since the default pull policy is fNotPresent