
Error provisioning ServiceInstance of ClusterServiceClass - Status: 403 - Description: User does not have sufficient permissions

cmoulliard opened this issue · 13 comments


minishift : v1.26
okd : 3.11
oab : v3.11


When an operator creates a serviceInstance, then the following error is reported

Error provisioning ServiceInstance of ClusterServiceClass (K8S: 
"1dda1477cace09730bd8ed7a6505607e" ExternalName: "dh-postgresql-apb") at
 ClusterServiceBroker "openshift-automation-service-broker": Status: 403; ErrorMessage: <nil>; 
Description: User does not have sufficient permissions; ResponseError: <nil>

The ServiceAccount used by the operator within its component-operator namespace has been granted to clusterrole - rbac as defined here :

Is this error due to the fact that the userInfo is created as such

    - system:serviceaccounts
    - system:serviceaccounts:component-operator
    - system:authenticated
    uid: ''
    username: 'system:serviceaccount:component-operator:component-operator'

without this section which is created when a user authenticated on the UI has created a service ?

      - 'user:full'

What is the purpose of userInfo ? Do we have to specify it when we create a serviceInstance using a controller/operator ?

@jmontleon @shawn-hurley Can you help me on concerning this issue please ?

I can resolve this issue if I add to the ClusterRole definition linked to the operator serviceaccount, this missing apiGroups/resources/verbs

- apiGroups:
  - "*"
  - "*"

Can you explain why we need for a serviceaccount such additional rule ?

The trick reported before doesn't work for okd-3.10 and OABroker -

If you control the broker installation you can configure it to auto_escalate which will skip the check. This is great for a development broker but probably not the best for a production broker as you will be elevating apbs with privilege. The operator serviceaccount needs to have the edit or cluster-admin role in order to be able to used by the broker to accomplish the provisioning tasks.

Basically the user needs to be able to perform the action on the target namespace. Otherwise, the broker is limited in what it can do from a security perspective. I believe it's edit on the target namespace is the minimum that the user needs.

you can configure it to auto_escalate which will skip the check

Is this option documented somewhere like what you describe in this comment ?

I believe it's edit on the target namespace is the minimum that the user needs.

Can you then add such remark to the documentation of OAB please ?


Admin doc is not really verbose about the purpose of auto_escalate and in fact could confuse the users as it seems that it should only be used to deploy APB playbooks and not at all to by pass the issue about a serviceaccount's user requesting to create a serviceinstance

 auto_escalate: true # will allow all users to deploy the approved APB. Could be false if the administrator would still like the broker to check the permissions.

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