
Consider re-ordering launch defaults or providing additional launch selectors

sferich888 opened this issue · 4 comments

xref (how image resolution happens today): with the current logic; simply X.Y resolutions always prefer / resolve nightly builds, then CI builds then GA releases.

As a user who primary works with 'released' clusters/versions; having the launch command (inputting 4.10) default to deploying a 'nightly' build is frustrating/less than desired (for my use-cases). Thus I would like to see us re-order the defaults (so that GA release are evaluated first; then Nighties then CI builds), however this use-case may be less desirable for other functions/parts of our organization.

Thus I would like to propose that the launch command be alerted take an additional argument that is the release status type of cluster you want to deploy or source your image reference from. Ex: launch 4.10 release|ga or launch 4.10 nightly.

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