
implement status on machine config objects, with conditions respecting conventions.

absynth76 opened this issue · 1 comments


MachineConfig objects should have some status

Steps to reproduce the issue:
create a MachineConfig object

Describe the results you received:
no feedback

Describe the results you expected:
MachineConfig should be updated with a correct status (respecting conventions of v1 api version)

    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-06-03T15:47:49Z"
      status: "False"
      type: MachineConfigInProgress
      reason: Successful
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-06-03T15:47:51Z"
      status: "True"
      type: MachineConfigReady
      reason: Successful

an example only, this would permit to integrate with any configuration tool and we would be able to wait for configuration to be successful or act upon failure.

types convention can be found here for v1 versioned objects:

Additional environment details (platform, options, etc.):
tested on openshift 4.7.12 (updated from ova install 4.7.7)

You should be monitoring the machineconfigpool objects which have this data. Closing (but without prejudice, if that doesn't work or you have additional concerns feel free to continue to discuss).