
Keeplived chk_default_ingress error causing ingress operator failure during upgrade from 4.7 to 4.8

mkaspar opened this issue · 7 comments

During upgrade from 4.7.0-0.okd-2021-09-19-013247 to 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-24-061736 (running on vSphere) we've ran into error with ingress operator that caused the upgrade to fail with error:
Unable to apply 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-24-061736: wait has exceeded 40 minutes for these operators: ingress
The operator log showed repeating errors like:

2021-12-25T19:58:13.679Z	ERROR	operator.canary_controller	wait/wait.go:155	error performing canary route check	{"error": "error sending canary HTTP request to \"canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.okd4.domain.x\": Get \"https://canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.okd4.domain.x\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}
2021-12-25T19:58:18.781Z	INFO	operator.ingress_controller	controller/controller.go:298	reconciling	{"request": "openshift-ingress-operator/default"}
2021-12-25T19:58:18.945Z	ERROR	operator.ingress_controller	controller/controller.go:298	got retryable error; requeueing	{"after": "1m0s", "error": "IngressController is degraded: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False (CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing)"}

The router pods and other components seemed to run just fine, but the external .Cluster.IngressVIP was inaccessible via http and https protocols. Further investigation revealed that it is caused by the .Cluster.IngressVIP being assigned to nodes different than the ones running the router pods.
The reason for this was that we had modified keepalived configuration for 2 of our nodes to host additional VIPs (workaround for okd-project/okd#572) and 4.7 keeplived configuration ({{ .Cluster.Name }}_INGRESS priority set to 40) conflicted with the the new priority setting of 20 combined with the error in chk_default_ingress. The result of these to problems was that the special nodes had the same keepalived priority (40) as the nodes running the router (openshift-ingress/router-default-*) pods and the VIP missassignment.
I think the problem is in the /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/keepalived/keepalived.conf.tmpl in this section:

vrrp_script chk_default_ingress {
    script "/usr/bin/timeout 4.9 /host/bin/oc --kubeconfig /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig get ep -n openshift-ingress route
r-internal-default -o yaml  | grep 'ip:' | grep {{.NonVirtualIP}} "
    interval 5
    weight 50

where there is C2 A0 byte before the pipe character in the -o yaml | grep.
This causes the script to fail with return code 7 and the priority wasn't added to the correct keepalived instances.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Run OKD 4.7.0-0.okd-2021-09-19-013247
  2. Let cluster update to 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-24-061736
  3. Wait for update to fail

Describe the results you received:

Unable to apply 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-24-061736: wait has exceeded 40 minutes for these operators: ingress

Describe the results you expected:

Upgraded cluster

Since this is related to an existing OKD issue (okd-project/okd#572), also probably want to

/assign @vrutkovs

Lets track this in openshift/okd. If its an issue not a support request we'd need to ensure its still reproducible in 4.9

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