Avoid kubernetes node port range (II)
jgato opened this issue · 3 comments
jgato commented
We have hit a bug solved on this commit:
But we are wondering... would it happen the same about this:
Who is setting the '.LBConfig.LbPort'. In principle we see:
# cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin expose-fd listeners
maxconn 20000
mode tcp
log /var/run/haproxy/haproxy-log.sock local0
option dontlognull
retries 3
timeout http-request 30s
timeout queue 1m
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 86400s
timeout server 86400s
timeout tunnel 86400s
frontend main
bind :::9445 v4v6
default_backend masters
listen health_check_http_url
bind :::9444 v4v6
mode http
monitor-uri /haproxy_ready
option dontlognull
listen stats
bind localhost:30000
mode http
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats uri /haproxy_stats
stats refresh 30s
stats auth Username:Password
backend masters
option httpchk GET /readyz HTTP/1.0
option log-health-checks
balance roundrobin
server master-0.el8k-ztp-1.hpecloud.org weight 1 verify none check check-ssl inter 1s fall 2 rise 3
server master-1.el8k-ztp-1.hpecloud.org weight 1 verify none check check-ssl inter 1s fall 2 rise 3
server master-2.el8k-ztp-1.hpecloud.org weight 1 verify none check check-ssl inter 1s fall 2 rise 3
which is '30000', that is in the NodePort range, and other SVC would be assigned to that port. Actually, it happened in one environment.
Should this .LBConfig.LbPort not been using that range?
sinnykumari commented
/cc @cybertron Thoughts?
cybertron commented
Yes, but that's not defined in MCO. It was fixed in openshift/baremetal-runtimecfg#175
sinnykumari commented
Closing since concern has been already taken care in openshift/baremetal-runtimecfg#175