
router doesn't start properly when deploying fresh Openshift 3.11 Standalone

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The service router fails to come up properly when deploying a fresh Openshift 3.11 Standalone


Please put the following version information in the code block
indicated below.

Steps To Reproduce
  1. Run through installation manually in the order specified in table 1 of this section:
  2. Note that the router pod does not start up correctly and enters an error state.
Expected Results

The router pod comes up without issue.

Observed Results

The router pod consistently fails the health check and eventually enters an error state.

oc get logs from the crashing pod only shows this:

I0120 14:48:20.895518 1 template.go:297] Starting template router (v3.11.0+7876dd5-361)
I0120 14:48:20.898325 1 metrics.go:147] Router health and metrics port listening at on HTTP and HTTPS
E0120 14:48:20.904022 1 haproxy.go:392] can't scrape HAProxy: dial unix /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock: connect: no such file or directory
I0120 14:48:20.926183 1 router.go:252] Router is including routes in all namespaces
E0120 14:48:21.128199 1 haproxy.go:392] can't scrape HAProxy: dial unix /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock: connect: connection refused
E0120 14:48:21.142552 1 limiter.go:137] error reloading router: exit status 1
[ALERT] 019/144821 (21) : Starting frontend public: cannot bind socket []
E0120 14:48:26.128351 1 haproxy.go:392] can't scrape HAProxy: dial unix /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock: connect: connection refused
E0120 14:48:26.143864 1 limiter.go:137] error reloading router: exit status 1
[ALERT] 019/144826 (25) : Starting frontend public: cannot bind socket []

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