
openshift dynamic client is now case sensitive

willthames opened this issue · 3 comments

Using kind=namespace (for example) used to work but no longer does

See ansible/ansible#48137

This breaks backwards compatibility.

This breakage was introduced between 0.8.0a1 and 0.8.0

It might make sense to run the k8s full_test.yml playbook as part of the openshift client acceptance test suite.

+1 to updating the test suite to run ansible. Can we make use of the ansible test container to remain in sync with the content of the ansible repo?

Issue was with addition of *List kinds to ResourceContainer. When searching on kind it was fine (Namespace != NamespaceList), but when matching on name, short_names, singular_name, etc, Namespace and NamespaceList did not differ, so it threw a mulitple match exception. I added a check that will filter out *List kind matches if there are non-List matches.