
Add user to a project?

mylespollie opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm working on a project that provisions some OpenShift resources after a form is populated by a user. First I create the project by doing the following:

project_to_create ='''
kind: Project
  	name: example-project

project_data = yaml.load(project_to_create)
response = v1_projects.create(body=project_data)

Now I'm trying to add a user to that created project. This would be analogous to doing
oadm policy add-role-to-user admin <user_name> -n <project_name>

I'm struggling to find how to do this. Any ideas? Thanks.

yeah, you'll need to create a rolebinding resource, which is all oadm policy add-role-to-user does under the hood. Here's an example of a rolebinding:

Also just to note, you don't need to yaml.load a string if you don't want to, the yaml.load just turns the string into a python dictionary so you could do something like

project = {'kind': 'Project', 'apiVersion':', 'metadata': {'name': 'example'} ...}

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