
Downgrade to Maven 3.3.3?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

With the recent changes to the Launch project that has us looking at building the boosters using S2I instead of Jenkins it would be really helpful if we could downgrade the required Maven version from 3.3.9 to 3.3.3.

This is because Fabric8 already provides us with a working and tested Java+Maven S2I builder that we could use instead of having to create and maintain our own. But unfortunately they only support Maven 3.3.3.

(See Docker Hub and GitHub)

The Red Hat Java S2I image that all boosters are using provides Maven 3.3.9, so I think this is a non-issue.

The other option would be for the Fabric8 team to upgrade their Maven version of course. @gastaldi will ask them if that's a possibility.

@Ladicek which S2I image is that? I'm not aware of any boosters using S2I?

No, I recommend requiring Maven 3.5.x. This is required because of important changes inside Maven. Without, several plugins will behave differently.

Using the RH image seems a valid option so I'll close this.

Oh I actually didn't see your message before closing the issue @cescoffier . So are you saying that the RH OPenShift image might not be good enough either? It uses Maven 3.3.9

@quintesse well, it will just be nondeterministic ;-) I will work most of the time, but some plugins may not work (good case) or behave differently (nightmare to debug).

As an FYI, WF Swarm will likely not work without a Maven in 3.3.x range