
Page link too long

Closed this issue · 12 comments

The link for an event looks like this:

At least this section with design/hack/meeting (the tags?) is way too much. Ideally even the date is not needed.

This is the same for articles. What it's doing is it's putting all the categories in the URL. This isn't really what we want I think.

I agree, it's unnecessary if you ask me. I guess Jekyll does this by default for some reason.

I think having the date is fine, though I guess for something like events it's not necessary. The real question though, now that it's there - will it break back-linking?

In jekyll you can set the permalink attribute per page. So we can have the event name with dashes as link to the page. And there is also a plugin which is redirecting the old urls to the new ones.

@dominicrico setting permalink would be a good idea. Re: plugin we can't do plugins because it's GitHub :P

@simonv3 oops, true we are not allowed to used plugins, buuuuut after asking the mighty internet I found out, github has this one pre installed :D
Github Pages Plugins


I'm working on it right now. I will update the links for the articles as well!

@simonv3, @jancborchardt, or someone else. Please review and merge if it is ok.

Both of those work :)

Thanks a lot @dominicrico! :)