
FOSDEM 2017 – Open Source Design room organization

jancborchardt opened this issue · 102 comments

The deadline for developer room proposals is on September 9:

It will be our third room in a row! We shouldn’t break the streak 🚀

Ref issue from last year #22

Who will be there and wants to join organization? :) @belenbarrospena @ei8fdb @evalica @plastelina @Xaviju @bnvk @elioqoshi @gillisig @danilapellicani @simonv3

I'm looking forward to FOSDEM2017, please count me in!

Yikes! Didn't see anything on their mailing list. Well spotted @jancborchardt

I will be in Brussels again, so I can help, but I was wondering if someone else would like to take on coordinating the proposal writing, the cfp and so on. I have done it for the past 2 years, so it might be time to pass the baton ;)

@belenbarrospena do you have an exact document of what you submitted to FOSDEM as the proposal? :) Something which with slight alterations we could submit again (I guess). :)


#22 (comment)

GitHub issues are great! :)

I'm gonna try to make it this time, so count me in.

Edit: Oops sorry for closing the issue 😜

It's a bit too soon for me to know for sure I will be there, but I sure hope I will be able to :) so count me in.

So in order to start the work the content of the proposal could be (adapted from last year - thanks @belenbarrospena ):

Devroom Request for FOSDEM 2017

Title: Open source design
Coordinator: _TODO_Name
Coordinator email: _TODO_Email
Secondary contact: _TODO_Name
Secondary email: _TODO_Email

After two successful devrooms in FOSDEM 2015 and 2016, we would like to repeat the experience also this year. Since the beginning of our Open Source Design community ( we promoted several initiatives, like having a "jobs board" where FOSS projects looking for design contributors can connect with available designers. FOSDEM helped us having a place to meet yearly face to face, talk about the projects/ideas/challenges we faced over the year and we hope to have a healthy number of proposals submitted and great attendance this year too.

The goal of this devroom is to showcase design work done within free and open source projects, and strengthen the connections between designers involved in FOSS. We mean "design" in a broad sense, and we include within that term typography, graphic design, interaction design, user experience and design research activities.

Possible topics include:

FOSS design tools
Design techniques and deliverables
Design - engineering collaboration approaches
User engagement and design research activities
Project case studies

After receiving several requests, we will probably dedicate an hour to project pitches, so that projects looking for design contributions can introduce themselves and establish contact with designers eager to help.

Coordinator's affinity to the topic of the devroom:


Why does it fit FOSDEM

FOSS projects bring in particular challenges that affect almost every aspect of design. Techniques and approaches used in closed software settings must be re-purposed and adapted to FOSS. This is hard to do on your own. We hope that sharing experiences across projects and communities will help establish a set of practices that are effective, flexible and transferable across FOSS projects.

The devroom last year also proved to be a great way of connecting designers with FOSS projects looking for design contributors. Having a devroom again next year will increase our chances to expand the community and will give us the opportunity to spread the word between developers regarding how and where to get design help for their projects.

Relevant URLs:

Full day

Special requirements:

Hi @evalica

Thanks for putting this together. It looks good to me. Why not stepping in as coordinator? :)

If needed, we can take over the duties at FOSDEM, although I really hope you'll join us there in the end!

I am 95% sure I will be there so count me in! @belenbarrospena I'd be happy to help with the CFP.

btw, my colleagues at Ura Design and me plan to be there with a booth ( Maybe we can join forces with a booth since we have the same goal? What do you think?

Right, so it sounds like @evalica might be willing to be the coordinator this year, as long as we can cover for her in case she doesn't get to FOSDEM.

@evalica, if I am wrong, let us know! :)

Now we just need a second name. @jancborchardt @gillisig @victoria-bondarchuk @elioqoshi @ei8fdb Would one of you be willing to be the second contact?

Once we decide that, and if nobody has any further comments on @evalica's submission proposal, we should be ready to send it.

I'd be happy to be Plan B :P

@elioqoshi excellent. We are sorted then :)

yeap - works for me. Thanks @elioqoshi for help ;)

I created some FOSDEM guidelines/tasks that are easy to follow so that we don't forget anything:

  • Submit proposal for Developer Room on | example | Deadline: 9 Sept
  • See accepted developer rooms announcement on | example | Deadline: 21 Sept
  • Create Fosdem 2017 event on | example | Deadline: 9 Oct (or earlier)
  • Create Fosdem 2017 Call for Participation article on | example | Deadline: 9 Oct (or earlier)
    • Fix the dates for the track when they are announced
  • Manage the Fosdem 2017 Call for Participation step on | Deadline: 9 Oct (or earlier)
  • Promote the Call for Participation on Twitter and OS mailinglists | example | Deadline: 9 Oct (or earlier)
  • Brainstorm on talks | example | Deadline: 11 Dec (or earlier)
  • Create the session proposals review spreadsheet | example | Deadline: 11 Dec (or earlier)
  • Send review mail to community members on mailinglist | mail: Session proposals for review - Open Source Design devroom | Deadline: 11 Dec (or earlier)
  • The acceptance / rejection notifications to speakers via pentabarf | Deadline: 11 Dec (or earlier)
  • Publish developer rooms complete schedules on | example | Deadline: 11 Dec (or earlier)
  • Create promotional materials (stickers, banners) for opensourcedesign #43 | Deadline: 31 Jan
  • Organize the open source design dinner #54 | Deadline: 31 Jan
  • Contact speakers with additional informations | mail: It's almost FOSDEM | Deadline: 31 Jan
  • Handle the devroom logistics videobox | example | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
  • Cover the event on Twitter | example | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
  • Open Source Design Devroom sessions presenter | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
  • Open Source Design Dinner + picture | Deadline: 3-5 Feb
  • Open Source Design Devroom picture | example | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
  • Submit talks slides on opensourcedesign GitHub| example | Deadline: 1 Mar
  • Write post event article on | Deadline: 1 Mar
  • Provide a link to the video recordings | example | Deadline: 31 Jul


  • Do we also want a stand? Joined with Ura Design | Deadline: 31 Oct
  • Did I miss any steps? Would be great some validation :) Ideally multiple people could help on a particular task


  • Acceptance:

Submission accepted: FOSDEM 2017 Open Source Design Devroom

Hi <__>,

Thank you for submitting your proposal to the FOSDEM 2017 Open Source Design Devroom.

We are very happy to tell you that your proposal has been accepted.

Your session:
has been scheduled for Sunday, February 5th, from <
> to <__>.

Please CONFIRM that you'll be attending by replying to this email or by changing the status of >your session to "Confirmed" in, before Friday 16th December.
If we don't hear from you by then, we will assume you are not coming and we'll schedule a >different session in your time slot.

The Open Source Design Devroom will take place in room AW1.121. The room does not come >with a computer, so please bring your own laptop. Also, remember that your session will be >recorded (both audio and video) and probably streamed live.

You have 20 minutes on the spotlight that you can use at your discretion: you can either take all >20 to present, or leave some time for more questions / discussion. There are MAX 5 more >minutes to questions, outside of the initial 20 min. Out of respect to all attendees, we'll be >enforcing the time, so please make sure your content fits into those 20 minutes: we would hate >to cut you short.

If you have other questions don't hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels,
<__> on behalf of the devroom co-ordinators

  • Confirmation:

Hi <__>,

Thanks for confirming. I've mark the session accordingly.
The schedule will become more complete as people confirm. This is automatically generated >periodically.


  • Reject:

Submission rejected: FOSDEM 2017 Open Source Design Devroom

Hi <__>,

Thank you for submitting your proposal to the FOSDEM 2017 Open Source Design Devroom.

The team has now evaluated all proposals and decided which ones to accept.
We regret not being able to accept all submissions, yours included:

You may want to consider submitting any rejected proposals for consideration to one of
the other developer rooms.

See for more information on this year's developer
rooms and their coordinators.

The Open Source Design Devroom will take place on Sunday, February 5th in room AW1.121.
We look forward to seeing you at FOSDEM!

Best wishes,
<__> on behalf of the devroom co-ordinators

Hea @evalica as they say at home in Ireland that's fecking brilliant! I think you have covered everything that I can think of (right now..after a long day).

The main thing I can think of is when (not if, but when!) the design devroom gets accepted, we should try and promote it as early as possible to maximise the chances of filling the schedule.

Last year I subscribed to a number of OSS design, and "privacy and Internet do-gooders" lists (I'm on a few lists :)) and e-mailed them the CFP. These are the lists I sent it to. @belenbarrospena sent it to these lists.

I also used the schedule tweet feature in Tweetdeck and automated a tweet every 2-3 days. Maybe we should ask people, when they submit, "where did you see the CFP?" - you know, a bit of user research ;)

About the brainstorming, what does everything think of a general theme for talks? I bit we might be a bit too small to be restrictive to a theme...but just suggesting it?

About the promotional materials, we can do that even earlier, no?

About the tasks, I'm happy to help out with:

  • Create Fosdem 2017 event on
  • Create Fosdem 2017 Call for Participation article on
  • Promote the Call for Participation on Twitter and OS mailinglists
  • Brainstorm on talks
  • Create promotional materials (stickers, banners) for opensourcedesign <- I can put money in for this.
  • Handle the devroom logistics videobox <-- please please help!


@evalica, that list is excellent. I think I am only missing:

  • The Call for Participation publication step in Once we publish the CFP in, a link to it and the submission deadlines should appear in the FOSDEM website. This is done with a GitHub pull request, if I remember correctly. It's not hard, but I can help if needed. The FOSDEM organisers will remind you of this any way, as part of the coordination process.
  • The acceptance / rejection notifications to speakers that I sent by email before publishing the schedule in - which is done via pentabarf, a truly delightful web application ;)

What I did in the past was sending the emails out, and give the speakers a deadline to confirm. Once I received confirmation, I published their session in pentabarf. You probably have the email I sent you last year, so you can reuse that, or you can write a new one: I made them up anyway the first time :)

Everything else seems spot on.

About the stand, @elioqoshi was suggesting we join forces with ura design. That might be a good thing: it will be less work for everybody to organise and cover.

Thanks for the work!

I submitted the proposal to FOSDEM with the content:

= Project details =

  • Title of devroom:
    Open Source Design
  • Elaborate description of proposed devroom (including possible topics):
    After two successful devrooms in FOSDEM 2015 and 2016, we would like to repeat the experience also this year. Since the beginning of our Open Source Design community ( we promoted several initiatives, like having a "jobs board" where FOSS projects looking for design contributors can connect with available designers. FOSDEM helped us having a place to meet yearly face to face, talk about the projects/ideas/challenges we faced over the year and we hope to have a healthy number of proposals submitted and great attendance this year too.

The goal of this devroom is to showcase design work done within free and open source projects, and strengthen the connections between designers involved in FOSS. We mean "design" in a broad sense, and we include within that term typography, graphic design, interaction design, user experience and design research activities.

Possible topics include:

FOSS design tools
Design techniques and deliverables
Design - engineering collaboration approaches
User engagement and design research activities
Project case studies

After receiving several requests, we will probably dedicate an hour to project pitches, so that projects looking for design contributions can introduce themselves and establish contact with designers eager to help.

  • Why does it fit FOSDEM?

FOSS projects bring in particular challenges that affect almost every aspect of design. Techniques and approaches used in closed software settings must be re-purposed and adapted to FOSS. This is hard to do on your own. We hope that sharing experiences across projects and communities will help establish a set of practices that are effective, flexible and transferable across FOSS projects.

The devroom last year also proved to be a great way of connecting designers with FOSS projects looking for design contributors. Having a devroom again next year will increase our chances to expand the community and will give us the opportunity to spread the word between developers regarding how and where to get design help for their projects.

  • Preferred slot:
    Full day

= Contact information =

== Primary contact ==

  • First name: Ecaterina
  • Last name: Moraru
  • E-mail:
  • Submitter's affinity to the topic of the devroom:

I have been the interaction designer for XWiki ( since 2008 and part of the Open Source Design community ( since the beginning in 2015.

== Secondary contact ==

= Additional information =

You should receive a confirmation email soon. If you don't, please contact Your proposal will be reviewed and we will inform you if it is accepted or not via email by the 21st of September 2016.

@ei8fdb Regarding the deadline, you are right that we can start the promoting as soon as possible and would be great to use the lists from last year. Same for the brainstorming and promotional materials (I've created #43)
Regarding Tweetdeck, there is a functionality that we can create a team for the opensrcdesign Twitter account and have multiple people have access to it. I don't remember the password for the account :) but it would be great if we could set it up.

@belenbarrospena Thanks for the additional notes, they are useful :) I'll see if I can add more details in the tasks list

@elioqoshi Hope I put the correct email in the submission :) also I'll let you handle the submission for the stand. Let us know if you need help.

@evalica awesome work! :) 🚀

Wow, splendid work! I must admit I have yet to read all of it in details but it looks very well prepared!

I will be at FOSDEM together with 1 or 2 colleagues from my startup Ura who can help at the booth. If we have at least 2 people at the booth at any given time, that would be excellent. What do you think?

@evalica regarding the Twitterings I have access to the OSD Twitter account - I can also schedule those tweets if it helps.

@elioqoshi and everyone: would it be an idea to have a design surgery booth where people can come with their "design emergencies"?

I've created PR #44 to add FOSDEM to Once we get accepted I guess it can be added...

@ei8fdb That's a good idea, but let's make sure the OSD name is well communicated

@evalica @elioqoshi by the way I just added you both to the via :) You can Tweet from there and retweet anything which has to do with Open Source Design.

@jancborchardt perfect, thank you!

@evalica for the Open Source Design dinner, do you have something in mind or it's just a dinner somewhere? Because would be cool to involve these designer and make a real OS Dinner :) What do you think?

Or maybe just home made pasta, would be fun ;)

@danilapellicani that sounds fancy :) do they organize also in Brussels? Also not sure of the costs.

Last year we met and had a lovely dinner together at a restaurant. Not sure whom organized it last year (I think it was Hollie). Restaurant location ideas would help (and also depends on the number of participants).

@evalica @danilapellicani Hollie Lubbock, one of the speakers for the past 2 years, came up with the dinner idea. She was also kind enough to step in as the organiser :)

This is really exciting. Hoping I can join. Will there be a period for talk proposals?

@Bojhan on 21 Sept we find out if we have been accepted or not as a developer room, but until then you can think about the proposals. After we can use the application on to submit talks. The talk submission period is 21 Sept - 9 Oct - 11 Dec (the date when the schedule is final).

Yesterday was the "21 September: Accepted developer rooms announced". Still haven't received any mail from Fosdem. Waiting ...

@evalica haven’t found any info on the website or Twitter either yet. So I guess it just takes them some days longer. :)

I got an email saying that their selection has been delayed so let's wait until next week

Hea @elioqoshi I'm getting impatient with the FOSDEM doods and doodettes !

Any news? Any news? There's still no news on their site yet. I've asked them on the Twitters....


NO news yet. Waiting ...

Still nothing?

Good news everyone :) Open Source Design devroom has been selected for FOSDEM 2017

Hi :) so it's finally announced on Fosdem website at

We've created the CFP at and also a tweet at (in case you want to retweet).

It would be great if we could promote the event on some OS/Design mailinglists. Who can help? Thanks

We’re one of the only two rooms to have a call for papers already ;D

So disciplined, for sure that’ll help us get the room again. ;) Great work!

Hi all,

About the promotion stuff @evalica mentioned, this is really important. We really don't want to find ourselves having to fill content gaps, and the best way to avoid that is sending the word out! I hope everybody can help.

This is a list of the places I can easily contact:

Briar Project
The British Computer Society HCI mailing list
Liberation Tech
Libre Office design list
London IA
LinkedIn UX group
Spaniards London UX group

Feel free to reply with your own. Having a list will make our lives easier for next year! :)

I’ll send it to the lists I did last year (sorry I don’t have them to hand now) and I’ll report back.

I’ll also send it to my work lists (a lot of UK government lists).

For transparency: I’ve had my boss ask me to help some of my colleagues to submit some proposals.

I’ll also promote it (with scheduled tweets) on the Twitters.

Like @belenpena mentioned, maybe we need to make a file we can all contribute to.

On 13 Oct 2016, at 09:39, Belen Pena wrote:

Hi all,

About the promotion stuff @evalica mentioned, this is really important. We really don't want to find ourselves having to fill content gaps, and the best way to avoid that is sending the word out! I hope everybody can help.

This is a list of the places I can easily contact:

Briar Project
The British Computer Society HCI mailing list
Liberation Tech
Libre Office design list
London IA
LinkedIn UX group
Spaniards London UX group

Feel free to reply with your own. Having a list will make our lives easier for next year! :)

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

Hi. Some news:


Sunday, February 5th.
"Sunday schedules should contain between 7 and 8 hours of content and start between 09.00 and 10.00 and run through until 17.00. The managers should be present in their assigned room from 8.30."

Room allocation

We have a new room this year. It will be AW1.121 (82 seats). Last year we were in AW1.120 (74 seats), so we might consider we got an upgrade :) I guess the room is the next one, so same building as last year. Same room capacity as in 2015. (the allocation is not final)


Currently we have 9 entries and 3 more weeks to submit something.
I also want to submit a talk and I'm sure many others plan that, so keep the submissions coming :)
Any ideas in how to promote the event more?

Next steps

We are waiting for more proposals and we will create the "Proposals Review Spreadsheet" in order to decide what proposals we want, deduplicate / group sessions and find out the best schedule. By the time we will have our second Open Design Monthly call on 6 Dec, we should have a complete schedule (or we can validate it in the meeting - Deadline for complete schedule 11 Dec).

Thanks to everyone who is participating.

@evalica Thanks for the summary!

I'd be happy to be a devroom manager as said if that's fitting. I applied with a talk and will submit another one probably.

Regarding promotion, let's try a Thunderclap?

@elioqoshi you were listed as secondary contact in the devroom proposal, so you should already be a devroom manager. Did you tried to log into penta? Not sure if I need to do anything additional. Did you received any mails from devrooms mailinglist ?

@evalica I received DevRooms emails but I cannot see any proposals (apart mine) in Penta for OSD

@elioqoshi Try and select our room Track. Let me know if it works.

Hi @evalica do we have any more talks proposals? I am promoting the devroom in work and with other communities.

What is consensus on how many we have so far?

@evalica don't have access...

@ei8fdb I submitted a session but would be happy to submit another.

@ei8fdb we currently have 10 proposals.

If we have more than we can be selective with what we choose. In case we don't have enough we will organize some brainstorming / feedback sessions. Currently the last session we want to do (the one with the devs presenting projects) is not listed. So I guess we are still waiting to see what we receive.

@elioqoshi I've seen you send a mail request, so it should be fine, once they fix the permissions.

Do you think we see it fit to have a panel? Logistic wise I mean. Would be also more interactive

@elioqoshi would be very nice to have panels, that's what I though when I said brainstorming / feedback sessions. Now the subjects still need to be listed in Penta :)

A thought: what do you think about asking speakers to provide us with their talk slides? We can put them into the talks repo, as last year?

Any other....thoughts? :)

@evalica and others: Should we have a panel about the topic discussed on here re: giving/receiving feedback?


How will we do the voting on the sessions again?

From last years voting process -

This is @belenbarrospena's post #22 (comment) from 2016:

Review can be done like last year. I will export all submissions to a spreadsheet, circulate it around, then anybody can review them and vote (yes / no) and we take the proposals with more votes. Does that sound ok?

One thing not mentioned above, is if we submit a talk ourselves, we shouldn't vote for our own sessions :)

I think this process worked well last 2 years.


Proposals Status

So there are 3 more days until the 1 Dec deadline.
Currently we have 16 proposals (from which 4 don't have any Abstract or Description), see spreadsheet

Just like ei8fdb said, the plan is to review the proposals within the community. You can add a column with your username and review the entries. Let me know if someone wants to send the comments privately or we can continue in a transparent way.
I haven't send the spreadsheet mail yet since there could be additional proposals, so we can still wait for the deadline.


A. How many sessions should we accept?

On Sunday we have the 09:00-17:00 timeframe. In this period we could have 16 talks of 20 minutes. But we might want to have a closing session or some panels/brainstorming sessions that might exceed the 20 minutes time. I guess it depends on how many final proposals we have.

B. Do we want to extend the deadline until 5 Dec?

We could send an additional tweet that we extend the deadline, or we could fill in the blanks with own sessions.

  • NOTE: I won't be available between 30.11 and 4.12, so I won't be able to send a tweet if we want to extend the deadline or update the spreadsheet in this time. If we want to extend, could someone else do it?

C. Other sessions?

There is a separate thread that collected some sessions ideas that we might want to do, like:

  1. Giving/Receiving Feedback
  2. Success Stories from our community
  3. Developers looking for designers? Show off your project!
  4. Closing Session
  5. Other?
    The problem is that we need to discuss about them and see if we have a responsible for the session that will act as moderator and that will add the session also in Penta.

D. Talk about FOSDEM on Open Design Monthly call on 6 Dec?

I was planning to use the Monthly call to have the final review of the proposals and schedule.
What we can talk then:

  • Proposals: FOSDEM Talks Spreadsheet
    -- Discuss if we want/need more proposals + Decide on the responsible people + Add them to Penta
    -- Vote + decide on the final sessions and schedule
  • Stickers: Talk about and the stickers design/order
    -- Agree to spend money on the stickers
    -- Decide on the stickers logo
    -- See who can do it + Talk about the reimbursement process
  • Dinner: Discuss about the Designers Dinner on Friday before FOSDEM

I had a quick chat with @evalica on IRC and we agreed to extend the deadline to December 5th. She will submit a talk to Pentabarf about design reviews and feedback, and I will submit one for the "pitch your project" session.

It doesn't mean we'll do those sessions: we are just submitting them to Pentabarf to make sure we keep them in mind when putting together the final programme.

I hope everybody is ok with this. If you are not, shout (but be quick): we need to announce the extension tomorrow!

Perfect, sounds like a plan! Thanks for taking this on :)

Also submitted my stuff now :D

One of the sessions is a general introduction to our Open Source Design collective. This would be good as opening session since that was lacking a bit the last times. It would also be cool to have more of us folks on stage for that, just so people know who to talk to and who focuses on what (job board, funding, etc) if they want to get involved.

@belenbarrospena did you already submit the »Open Source Design job board: show off your open source project to get design help« session? It was really fun last time. :) If you didn’t I can also do it.

Today is the deadline for the FOSDEM proposals. (Thanks @Belen for extending the deadline)
Currently there are 26 entries + 2 ideas in the spreadsheet. Thanks to everyone who promoted the event and the ones that submitted sessions. It’s going to be hard to select since there are lots of interesting proposals and we have max 16 slots.

Anybody can review the proposals (in fact, the more reviewers, the better). The process is very easy.

The spreadsheet with the proposals is available at:

We will discuss/decide on the final sessions tomorrow in the Monthly meeting (#49), but you should get familiar with the proposals before + vote (since it can take a while to read the Abstract + Descriptions).

You will have 14 votes per user. You vote by adding your name to a column (N+) and add a '1' to the row/talk you want to accept. You shouldn't vote for your own sessions (you can add an N/A). You can add additional comments in your column.

Tomorrow we sort the votes, eliminate duplicates, see if we miss something and discuss the order. We will select maxim 16 sessions of 20 min. So the deadline for review is tomorrow. A preliminary schedule needs to be in Pentabarf by the 11th Dec.

See you tomorrow.

P.S: There are 3 entries without Abstract and Descriptions. If you know andreasn, Maria Leonova or Helio Castro ask them fill them until tomorrow, or the sessions will be rejected as incomplete.

It seems that I didn't add a description for my talk, purely out of accident. Is it OK if I add it now?

@andreasn yes - please do so that everybody knows what is about. Thank you Andreas :)

cc @belenbarrospena @ei8fdb @bnvk @simonv3 @victoria-bondarchuk @elioqoshi @Bojhan @danilapellicani for voting ASAP! :)

See @evalica above on how to vote. Short: Put your name in a right column of that spreadsheet and put a 1 if you like that talk. 14 votes, not for your own:
#41 (comment)
Spreadsheet link:

@jancborchardt @belenbarrospena @evalica and everyone else.

I think we're missing 1 or 2 from that list?


As discussed in the sheet, the following should be included by default?

  • Our Open Source Design collective
  • Pitch your project
  • Closing Session
  • Success Stories from our community

OR should we also be voting on these?

My view is these should be included by default.

In which case, we are voting for 14 sessions, apart from these?

@ei8fdb I've added your latest entry on position 27, so I don't think we are missing any talk.

Regarding the "by default sessions", since max is 16 and we vote for 14, we can decide to split the 40 minutes between these sessions.

What is needed is that we add them to penta and that we have someone in charge of them. For example, the "Success Stories from our community" we need a volunteer to know the status of our jobs section: what was successful, who designed what, who implemented, etc. So it will become final after we have a volunteer and an estimated time.

We will discuss at the meeting in order to decide what can be called "default" and maybe realocate some votes, but until then voting is the only way to know if those sessions are wanted.

Proposing this as time for the default talks (40 min total), also in that order:

  • Our Open Source Design collective / opening session (5–10 min)
  • Success stories from our community (10 min) – we could also combine it into one session where we do it all together anyway
  • (All the talks)
  • Show your project to get designers involved (20–25 min, with 3 min lightning talks inside)
  • Closing session (5 min)

The "Success stories from our community" could be put also before the "Show your project to get designers involved" as a motivator. We just need to find a volunteer for it.

I just put my 14 votes in. Boy, that was hard: so many good proposals this year :)

@jancborchardt I did submit the session. I couldn't remember how you called it, so I wrote down "pitch your project". I didn't vote for it: I am assuming is getting in by default, because it's always worked really well.

I am not going to make the call tonight: with the winter time change in Europe is a bit too late for me. But count me in to help with whatever needs to be done. Being blissfully unemployed, I have lots of time :)

Thanks to everyone who voted. There were 12 people that casted at least 1 vote.

Since the schedule is not in total agreement, I've though about 2 schedules: A and B. I will create separate comments for them and I ask you to vote using the reaction 👍 so we can keep track of the preferred solution here.

The main differences between A and B:
A. 12 sessions starting at 10:00 with the default introductory talks (A1-3)
B. 14 sessions starting at 09:00, the default introductory talks (B7-9) are set at 12:00 to make sure we reach the highest number of participants


  • Deadline for voting: Saturday 10 Dec
  • A and B might change a bit depending on the speakers agreement and availability
  • If you have order suggestion please refer to the H column for reference. For example A1-A17 matches the session from Program A; B1-B19 matches Program B.

Thanks @evalica for doing all this work!

I have voted for programme B. No surprises I guess, since I've already mentioned here that I have a preference for the 9am start.

However, I cringe a bit at having My Le's talk opening the day. I would prefer the ordering from A, where our community-related sessions take the early slots (and bear the brunt of our decision of starting early).
As a I said before, I will happily volunteer to take one of those early slots.

Just my 2c :)

@belenbarrospena we are starting early to accommodate sessions that otherwise would not make it at all.

Status: Accepted/Rejected mails sent. Speakers already started to confirm presence.
The schedule gets updated with each session confirmed, check

When all the sessions will be confirmed we will tweet the schedule. Thanks everyone for the votes.

Great work @evalica! Is there anything you need help in doing? Do we have enough people to do the default sessions?

I'll pack extra bottles of water and headache tablets for the 9am start.

I'm not looking forward to the early start, but I am glad that we will be able to have all the good talks that were submitted.

Random idea: maybe we should apply for 2 days next year? 💃 !

And now that we're underway, can I suggest people look at #54 (FOSDEM Dinner preferences - do we organise dinner?) and cast their votes....

Thanks @evalica for all the great work!

I have 2 sessions, which is 2 too many ;) Would anybody not speaking like to take the pitch your project one? That's where projects can come and ask for design work. @jancborchardt can tell you what's involved: he did it last year. It's more like a moderation role.

If you are interested, just reply here. Thanks!

Following Belen's example: if somebody wants to handle the "Closing" or "Success Stories from our community" sessions let me know. Preferable some community members that don't have other sessions :)

Unless anyone specifically wants to do the pitch your project session, I'm happy to do it.

About teh closing - maybe it might be nice if we all gave a minute each?

@ei8fdb the problem with a minute each is that we might be more than 5 in that session :) the schedule is a bit tight, plus we will need to clean up and hurry for the official closing. Anyway, in that session we should do at least 1 photo :) to continue the tradition.

@evalica OK how about we all do it together - what I mean is, the closing session is the closing of the Open Source Design track at FOSDEM that we all organised.

I kinda feel that it should be as a collective. Organise it however..each person says one word, and rotate around to the next.

I just think its an opportunity to say thank you to everyone.

I think calling everybody to the front of the room is a nice idea, but it will be much more coherent and understandable for the audience if one or two people do the talking. If we all want to say something we will have to practice! ;)

@evalica, as the person pulling off most of the work in this case, should probably be one of them. And then maybe @victoria-bondarchuk or @jancborchardt, as the organisers of the FOSSASIA track, could also also say something.

@ei8fdb about taking the pitch your project session, I see you already have a short presentation: "Promoting your FOSS project to university student designers". It would be nice if someone from the community, but not talking, could take this. What about @gillisig? Or maybe he would prefer taking the "Success Stories from our community" one?

If noboby else volunteers, it is definitely yours @ei8fdb :)

I'm fine in having the Closing as a collective (I quite prefer it this way) as long as we keep it short :)
Regarding the "Speakers" column in the schedule: should we have more people listed there? Just let me know if you want your name added.

Today is the deadline for FOSDEM 2017 sessions confirmations. At the moment we are lacking 4 speakers:

  • "Designing MuseScore" by Miroslav Mazel (pinging @lasconic and @thomasbonte maybe they know him since I can't find a GitHub account)
  • "Interviews as user research" by Andreas Nilsson @andreasn
  • "Mozilla Open Design" by Elio Qoshi @elioqoshi
  • "Promoting your FOSS project to university student designers" by Bernard Tyers @ei8fdb

Can somebody else also try to reach them? Or maybe you know them personally and can ask them to read their e-mails :) I need confirmations for their sessions. Thanks.

I can confirm I'm speaking!

But I can't change the status to confirmed! :/

replied to the e-mail now.
Sorry for the mess.

@evalica Miroslav Mazel here, I am attending

@evalica Yes, I'm confirming. Sorry - didn't see this 'til @jancborchardt shame-tweeted me ;)

@belenbarrospena I'm totally fine with someone else doing it. I think it should be a few people anyway..

Same for the »Our Open Source Design collective« talk btw. I expect a few of you @belenbarrospena @bnvk @ei8fdb @evalica @elioqoshi @jdittrich (and @simonv3 @victoria-bondarchuk, and others, if you could be there!) to be on stage for that too. :)

(@evalica if it’s possible to add multiple speakers or free text, it would be great to use »Open Source Design team« for these collective / default sessions.)

So, thanks for confirming. We are still missing @elioqoshi

@jancborchardt regarding speakers: you can only add penta users. I guess the rationale is that each speaker has a profile page and in order to look nice on the website. I cannot add free text.
So I will let each person assigned now to handle each of the "collective" sessions and send me in mail what exact users should be listed there. Please consider that you privately confirm with those people and that you have enough time for everyone on the stage to say something or just look pretty :)
We can discuss more about the "collective sessions" on 10 Jan in the Monthly meeting.

Maybe we can mark in the title, have like a tag "[Collective]" ... or "[Group]"

@evalica yep, I think thats a good idea - having a tag to signify "it's the whole group". 👍

bnvk commented

Hey sorry, I had 2FA problems with GitHub lately. I'm still seeking official confirmation for my sponsorship from Mozilla but I'm 90% sure I will be there.