
Berlin Meetup

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Hello Opensourcedesigners,

Some of us are based in Berlin and I wonder if we want to start a little meetup there. (Originally not my idea – I think @jancborchardt and @Incabell talked about this already).

Who is in Berlin and would be interested?

I am quite a few times per year in Berlin, would be happy to be there next time

@bnvk, @danilapellicani & @Kriesse are in Berlin for example – we had a first Open Source Design meetup back in early 2015 (also with @gillisig attending remotely). I’m in Berlin sometimes too.

We could do a regular monthly meetup maybe even on a fixed day? That usually works well and seeing how we are already ~5 people that seems to be good.

We could alternate it with the monthly call (do it more towards the mid/end of a month). Or do it on the same day and have the Berlin group join in the call, but that doesn’t sound too productive for either case. ;) (cc @evalica @belenbarrospena @simonv3)

What do you think?

@jancborchardt I think I wish I was in Berlin so I could join the fun :) Sounds like a great idea, and I don't see any harm in you joining the monthly call together.

btw, just saw the news. I hope all of you in Berlin are ok :(

Meeting in person is always nice, so I'm sad that I won't be able to attend. It would be nice to accept also remote participation, but I guess it depends also on the hour/day you want to meet.

Time/Date: What about the 3rd Tuesday of each month?
Note: We could also involve the LibreOffice design people in Berlin. Anyone with contact to them?

Time: I would prefer a Wednesday due to a personal schedule. We could also set up a dudle.
Note: I would suggest meeting in a cafe or bar of our choice for the beginning, like a Stammtisch and then see where it goes.

bnvk commented

I'm all good for this. I'd vote for Wed as well. @jdittrich when shall we do one?

25th of January? Kreuzberg?

Btw, if we do one on February 14th or 16th (Tue or Thu) I’ll also be in Berlin. :)

A small reminder that our monthly meeting is on February 14th

bnvk commented

@jancborchardt ping us, let’s meet 14th/16th
@ALL: Anybody knowing a Berlin place with WiFi, not too crowded? Or we could ask co.up? Or just meet at Kotti and forEach(bars){(if true){goIn(bar); break;}}? (aka search for a place)

Would you like to meet at the Mozilla Offices? I could hook you up with them?

@elioqoshi nice idea! That would be great.

When is your next meeting? Let me try to get this going for next time

Hey everyone,

now that we've all had a weekend to digest the FOSDEM I suggest we have another go at the Berlin meet-up!

When are good times for everyone?
My constraints are: not Tuesdays, not Thursdays

Otherwise I'm open for any day.


I'll be in Berlin from February 20th – March 3rd, so could join any meetup happening then.

Am also happy for just coworking. :)

Just ping me if you want me to talk to the Mozilla Office to offer you some space :)

Closing in favor of the Berlin meetup announcement issue :) #69