
OSD Workshop #1 in Tirana, Albania

elioqoshi opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm happy to co-host the first OSD Workshop in our local Open Labs Hackerspace in Tirana, Albania:

Together with Anxhelo Lushka, a fellow design contributor to LibreOffice and Fedora, we will show the basics of GIMP and Inkscape so people can find their way around basics in Graphic Design, breaking the stereotypes that they need Adobe software for that.

When: 25 January 2017, 5:00 PM
Where: Open Labs Hackerspace, Tirana, Albania

Event on our website (Albanian):

Facebook Event:

Very nice. Good luck! Do you also plan to create a PR to have it listed on ?

@evalica Just did it here:

Not sure if I did that right, first time I created an event :)

@elioqoshi well there is something wrong since the event is not displayed on

My first guess would be the missing extension. All the posts have ".markdown" for example "2017-01-25-osd-workshop-1-tirana-albania" should be "2017-01-25-osd-workshop-1-tirana-albania.markdown" can you try fixing that?

Fixed the extension directly via Github web interface, now shows up at :)