
OpenTechSummit Berlin-Potsdam, 25th May 2017

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On May 25th there will be OpenTechSummit in Berlin-Potsdam. I’m part of the organization team and there’s a track for Open Design & Libre Graphics.

The Call for Proposals has been extended until May 10:

cc @bnvk @Incabell @jdittrich @ScintillaLuz @Kriesse @gsambrotta @bbalazs @mrflix who are in Berlin and @elioqoshi who will also be there.

Thanks @jancborchardt !

I applied with a Mozilla Open Design Talk and Workshop as well.
Is there a way we can help beyond submitting talks? Or should we get organized in a similar manner like FOSDEM?

I haven't talked to @jdittrich yet but I think we'll likely apply with a talk/workshop there as well.

Also for me, I would be glad to help with organisation or whatever else there is to do.

cc @jdittrich @bnvk @elioqoshi @Incabell @eppfel @simonv3 @guiguru @HeikoTietze @gsambrotta did you already apply? :)

Let me know what your talk is about, or update the original post above so we know who else is there. :) Then we can also create an event about it.

And please spread the word on Twitter: :) (and elsewhere of course too)

I still have to confirm travel situations, but I plan on being there :)

If anyone has a couch I can stay on for a couple of days that would be awesome!

Tried to register but get an error on submit. My proposal is:

Title: Contextual groups in LibreOffice' Notebookbar
Short: The story behind LibreOffice' Notebookbars from a UX perspective will illustrate the need for requirements in Open Source Design.
Long: Toolbars are a common toolkit control that have been around since the dawn of GUI applications, providing direct access to an application's most frequently used functions. But with increasing scope, the number of frequently used functions grows to an extent that can have a detrimental impact on quickly locating a particular item. LibreOffice made it possible to create UI based toolbars on blank canvas where designers have all the freedom to do whatever they want with the space. The talk will present the reasoning behind the Notebookbar layout with contextual groups.
Talk: 00:25

This talk was held in Brussels first and I will update it slightly to cover the special interests of the design folks. In particular, it shows a lot about why having precise requirements is needed in Open Source.

Without comment and language it worked now. Draft is online at

Closing as this event passed.