
I meeting summary

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I really wanted to attend the planning meeting yesterday on video chat but it was impossible. I would like to know the future plans and how to contribute to the community.
There will be a meeting summary?


๐Ÿ‘ There should be, if it ended up happening. @Xaviju, a lot of the conversation happens in IRC. Have you had a look there? (We're still trying to figure out a way to make that a bit more accessible, but for now, you can access it through the freenode webchat).

You can also see the logs of the channel on botbot. The fact that there's no talk of a meeting there makes me think that it didn't happen!

Thanks @simonv3 i didn't have a look at the IRC channel (there is a lot of info here and there and its hard to summarize it all for newcomers) but I will.

Thanks for the links!

I totally agree with the scattered info.

@bnvk @jancborchardt Maybe we could turn the first meeting notes into a website, and publish that website?

I'll probably have some time this weekend to work on the job board as well.

I can help with a notes website (something like a release notes website made with a simple static site generator?). Probably something like this should be linked to a more relevant website, not sure if there is any plan already.

In both cases, I'll be happy to help ๐Ÿ˜„

I think that's exactly the plan. If you submit a PR for this repo I'm sure we'll accept it!

What do you think about using pelican to create a static notes site that regenerates every update (on commit hook) and publish automatically to github pages?
Example: my blog code
Any other idea? Preferred static site generator?

bnvk commented

@Xaviju heya yes your helping generating a static site would be greatly appreciated. As was being said IRC, we're using Jeykll, which I think is pretty similar to Pelican. My ultimate goal is to have the root site and the smaller sub repos like /events all share a similar style of navbar and such, but I haven't figured out the exact best way to do this... we could go pull JS and load a navbar via AJAX calls, but I wonder if there is another way.

Anywho, more chats in IRC, and feel free to take a stab at this :)

Thanks @bnvk! ๐Ÿ‘
Sounds nice, are there any design guidelines so far for the site and sub repos?

bnvk commented

@Xaviju not yet, as no one has taken inniative to kick it off. We're plannong on using the icon the rad @DesignOpen folks made as per this thread

I sketched out rough "architecture" I was thinking for the main homepage in this image

Feel free to take a stab at whatever inspires you / seems sensible... we can all fork, iterate reshape or revert things, GIT FTW ๐Ÿ˜„

Nice, this is getting a little bit off-topic here so I leave this issue open until we have a notes page with this meeting summary entry. I'll open a new issue about the site with Jekill and assign it to myself.


I think this issue is definitely done? We have a website. :)

If not, please reopen it. (I'm bored and got some time to do house-cleaning....)