
Open Crop Icons

simonv3 opened this issue · 8 comments

We're starting to do some work on open (public domain) icons for some popular crops.

If you want to design some neat icons for plants, have a look here:

original conversation here:


original OSD job listing here:

I’d say it’s probably best if we submit any of our icons to instead of replicating stuff here. Since we now have these icon pages linked on our website too, so we can close this repo?

Agreed, but maybe in the README point towards an "opensourcedesign" account covering all the icons on the thenounproject?

Gimme some thumbs up and I'll create the account, and then share the user/pass?

I don’t see the need for a specific opensourcedesign account. All of The Noun Project is open source design, and I suppose everyone of us has individual accounts. Open Source Design is more than just the icons of specific people. ;)

I have no strong feelings for or against the creation. :) Just a thought.

@simonv3 @bnvk @johnhbenetech @jhermann as said above:

I’d say it’s probably best if we submit any of our icons to instead of replicating stuff here. Since we now have these icon pages linked on our website too, so we can close this repo?

Cause basically at the moment we’re just doing yet another icon platform (as a repo only that is), while linking to The Noun Project and other platforms for open source icons is much more impactful.

bnvk commented

I think the contents of the repo + what I wrote in the README is slightly different than "just doing yet another icon platform", please read it:

The loose idea of this repo is to apply aspects of open source software
development (sharing, iteration, forking, extending, and modifying) to the
icon design process.

I also outlined "Getting Started" steps... I don't think building "yet another icon platform" is anything I wrote or am advocating for- see the bottom of the README:

However, must be careful not to replicate The Noun Project

To date, we have had 3 pull-requests of icon submissions. Sadly, 2 of them have sat waiting to be approved for 2+ yrs. Maybe no one else understood, see's value in what I was thinking. Clearly, no one was paying attention to the pull-requests... even now.

I've been meaning to upload all of the icons ever designed, as I kind of despise that one has to login with an NounProject account in order to download some open source icons/code and I'd like FOSS designers to be able to just get my icons free of hassle.

As far as having an OSD account on NP... well... the benefit would be when people working at ad agencies and corporations D/L your icon- you get paid 🤑 feel free to consider and discuss what this could/would mean for OSD / contributors...

I've been meaning to upload all of the icons ever designed, as I kind of despise that one has to login with an NounProject account in order to download some open source icons/code and I'd like FOSS designers to be able to just get my icons free of hassle.

👍 👏

As far as having an OSD account on NP... well... the benefit would be when people working at ad agencies and corporations D/L your icon- you get paid 🤑 feel free to consider and discuss what this could/would mean for OSD / contributors...

Well, that’s why I’d say everyone should have an individual account – that’s what I do. If we have a grouped account, it raises questions how to split it etc. (sure we could put it into OpenCollective. If anyone wants to put work in that sure, however I don’t see the impact there.)