Ideas for small, outcome oriented OSD experiements
jdittrich opened this issue · 3 comments
jdittrich commented
In the Berlin opensourcedesign meetup 4/17 we talked about establishing small experiments to find out how open source design and open source can be better integrated.
An experiment should have an…
- outcome in terms of a change/intervention,
- an outcome in terms of learning and
- should be doable in a restricted timeframe.
(Which makes this a lot like action research )
Please add your ideas (and user names of people who participated in the meetup but whose names I don’t know)
cameralibre commented
documentation for the meetup is on the etherpad, by the way.
jdittrich commented
Possible Experiments:
- How does our organization appear to designers who are not in open source projects? (Goal: Make onboarding for non-dev-people easier)
- Could be a combined "usablity test" starting with our website focused on emotions, motivations, skills
- ~5 participants/interviews, following collaborative qualitative analysis
- Acquire descriptions of worst/best memories of FOSS developers in relation to usability/UX in their projects (Goal: gather knowledge for working better with devs and dev driven projects)
- Could be spread via mailinglists
- Also needs qualitative analysis.
bnvk commented
@cameralibre thanks for the notes- they're helpful for those couldn't attend :)
I added them to the event page as etherpads go down, are editable, and URLs get
@jdittrich cool about "Action Research" I like stuff like that- kind reminds
me of SMART- both of which are now on the Processes page