Open Source Design Summit attendance & actual session proposals
jancborchardt opened this issue · 32 comments
Since we now approach more concrete planning for the Summit, we should start thinking about topics, workshops and sessions everyone wants to do. :)
- Start: Introductions session / Status for OSD community (at the beginning)
- Start: Unconference / Brainstorming about what we want to discuss at the Summit
- Lunch / Dinner planning (time)
Workshops so far:
- @victoria-bondarchuk proposed to have a session about a manifesto for Open Source Design, shared knowledge about what we stand for and what we value (we should iterate on
- @simonv3 will lead a session on figuring out what we want from our website, our job board, and how to build it and host it.
- Small status / planning session for FOSDEM Looking for host
- Our #brand. Looking for host
- Making OSD sustainable organization and membership wise. @simonv3 can host if no one else wants to.
- Growing OSD beyond its current membership, and engaging more of our members. @simonv3 can host if no one else wants to.
- Forming as an official organization. Looking for host
@dimitrieh mentioned it would be important to have a single source of truth of what we do – make it clear what we use Discours for, what Github issues, etc.
@jdittrich: Talk/Discussion Proposal: UX debt and why it is a particular problem for open source projects. Description
@tessgadwa would be interested in talking about structural and systemic issues affecting usability and FOSS. Wondering if a "best practices for UX in open source" might be better as a collaborative session for an unconference and/or workshop.
@cameralibre would like to run a 1-2 hour version of an 'analog open source collaboration' workshop. See Teaching Open Source collaboration to designers (without digital tools!)
@digitigrafo would like to do a small talk about "Redesign comment platform". I'm involved in this project and I like to share the info that I collected about: which are the commons problems, what propose critical thinking, cases of study. thanks
who else @jdittrich @evalica @bnvk @Incabell @elioqoshi @belenbarrospena @ei8fdb everyone! :)
Everyone please post when you will attend the summit and which session/workshop/talk you want to contribute! :) Also please RSVP at
I will be there the whole time, from 13–18. :) And I’d like to talk about how we can organize multiply ourselves:
- achieving a serious look for our website and a coherent system
- having showcases for well-designed open source projects & products ready to use, and for design tools & resources
- conferences we can talk at or organize design tracks at, and organizations we can partner with
- getting more designers involved and post on our blog
@jancborchardt Hi I'm in. Would love to talk about best practices for UX in open source, sharing case studies and specific examples.
I've created this Doodle to see participation per days.
Let me know if it needs improvements/refinements
As I mentioned on the Monthly Open Source Design call today, I'm not sure if I can make it to the summit. If my JavaOne talk is accepted, I'll be in San Fransisco instead. If my JavaOne talk isn't accepted, I still need to figure out if there's funding for me to travel to Berlin. Sorry to be so squishy. I should know if my JavaOne talk has been accepted or not soon. It was great putting names with faces today on the call!
I've updated the Doodle poll. I expect to be there over the weekend, although there is a chance I might be able to stay for the whole thing. We'll see :)
About sessions, I would like to spread the word about Open Source Design between what I call (for lack of a better word), the "mainstream" design community. The idea would be identifying key design conferences (UXPA, IA Summit, EuroIA, Interaction, etc), create a presentation about us, what we do and why it's important, and then submit it. A skeleton for a workshop about design in open source that we could also submit to these conferences would be good as well.
I just found out that my talk in San Francisco was accepted (yay!) so I definitely won't be able to attend the Open Source Design Summit because I can't be away from my kids and family for too long. I hope the summit is a great success and that I can attend next year!
@simonv3 @evalica can you also fill out the doodle posted above? :) Also cc @victoria-bondarchuk @bnvk @Incabell @jdittrich @mkfnch
Done! I'm pretty blank on topics at the moment. Kind of just want to do a workshop / brainstorm / hack session on revamping our website.
Small status / planning session for FOSDEM
Introductions session / Status for OSD community (at the beginning)
Unconference / Brainstorming about what we want to discuss at the Summit
Talk/Discussion Proposal: UX debt and why it is a particular problem for open source projects.
Description: UX debt is the equivalent to technical debt: Incoherence of approaches, lack of internal standards, quickly implemented, but not clean additions. Same exists for UX. The trouble is that UX debt is exposed to the user: In contrast to code it can't the refactored unnoticed.
@jancborchardt @jdittrich I'd be interested in talking about structural and systemic issues affecting usability and FOSS. Wondering if a "best practices for UX in open source" might be better as a collaborative session for an unconference and/or workshop.
Lunch / Dinner planning (time)
I would like to run a 1-2 hour version of an 'analog open source collaboration' workshop like the one I've proposed for Mozfest: Cut, Copy & Paste: Use (analog!) open source collaboration to make your own MozFest Zine.
The primary aim would be for us to invite some non-open-source designer friends to come and co-create with us, to get to grips with the open source methodology and how it can be so interesting, practical and creative. (As I see it, more designers with an understanding of open source are required in order to get more designers working on open source software)
The secondary aim would be to prototype and improve the workshop itself, with the knowledge and insight of open source designers, in order to make it a useful open source educational module which others can use.
EDIT: I've started a topic on the OSD forum about this - questions and suggestions welcome!
hi, I'll be in Berlin at the summit on 16 and 17 of october. I like to do a small talk about "Redesign comment platform". I'm involved in this project and I like to share the info that I collected about: which are the commons problems, what propose critical thinking, cases of study. thanks
@digitigrafo I think the actual talk days will probably be the 14th or 15th, will you be in Berlin one of those days? It'd be great to hear it if you are!
Excited to know there is an open-source event!
Unfortunately, I'm taking a few courses at the Nielsen|Norman UX Conference in Chicago until October 13th and likely unable to attend (although flights are not terribly expensive.)
Two collaborators and I are proposing a talk at the UXPA annual conference in Puerto Rico on user experience within the OpenStack community, but it hasn't been reviewed for acceptance as a session.
This is our proposal to UXPA:
Open to whom?: An overview of the evolution of open-source software and how users are impacted
This presentation will include a portrayal of the OpenStack open-source community, which includes a discussion of the differences in how software development is driven within open-source communities versus traditional enterprise environments.
In addition, there will be a discussion of specific tactics used to help drive and formalize user experience within the OpenStack community. This includes a focus on gaining credibility within the community and providing concrete design work on which others can build.
Finally, the presentation will include several examples of user research projects completed on behalf of the OpenStack community that demonstrate the success of the tactics presented.
BTW. Excited to have discovered this group!
I joined the weekly call today. It was just me and @tessgadwa
We had a very interesting conversation about FOSDEM and other various things :)
She had some feedback for us regarding how little information is available in the Summit page. She suggested adding some information about the programme there.
I haven't been much in touch with the Summit organisation stuff, but I believe venues have been confirmed. What about the programme? Is the plan to have an unconference-type of thing over the weekend?
That's my understanding, though people have already started suggesting things and making proposals for things here.
Edit: I just added two more proposals.
hello everyone,
i want to participate Sat + Sun (Sun most likely only the morning - hope there are sessions scheduled?)
Besides some occasional involvement during my regular job with the open source world, I'm quite new to the FOSS community. I will bring my professional background as a design lead at IXDS but unfortunately not in a presentable format/talk. My main question seems to be very much covered by @tessgadwa's session.
I'll be making up a schedule based on the initial submitted talks and workshops. I thought it would make sense to have talks generally on Sunday morning and to use saturday morning for getting to know each other, game storming some things, some "tell us about your projects" kind of events, and maybe using saturday afternoon as a workshop, go work on specific things kind of afternoon. Sunday afternoon would be for continuing those workshops!
If that generally sounds good with folks I'll throw up an outline.
@simonv3 sounds great! :) Thank you!
I just found out that my talk in San Francisco was accepted (yay!) so I definitely won't be able to attend the Open Source Design Summit
I just thought I'd mention that I gave my talk last night and mentioned Open Source Design on slide 7:
You can download the slides from
Also, went to another talk called Boost Your Skills with Open Source and I mentioned Open Source Design to @bartoszmajsak and he said he'd try to add it to his slides in the future. One of his and @tombujok 's slides had a picture of paintbrushes on it and they talked about design.
Closing since the event has passed!
Event was great!! 👍