
Broken link on the web site

Ahcatan opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hi I just noticed there was a broken link here for "diversity tickets"
I don't know how to fix that myself, sorry.

Nyumat commented

It looks like their website is down.

Confirmed with alternative link from their Twitter bio which you can find, here.

I think the best bet is removing them from the landing page all together.

As we see in their repository, it's looking like a ghost town/inactive. The grid of projects mentioned in this repo's src also has a single image element in that row, so I also imagine it will look more uniform as a grid of images by removing Diversity Tickets.

It's so sad to see that their project seems to have faded. ๐Ÿ˜”

Nyumat commented

Image for proof:


Nyumat commented

I will open a PR that fixes this, we'll see what happens.

Thanks for your work on this @Nyumat ๐ŸŽ‰ and thanks @Ahcatan for reporting it