
Add Code of Conduct for StoryCorps project to site

Closed this issue · 3 comments

We need a Code of Conduct and moderation rules for StoryCorps project when people start submitting community conversations.

@amcasari on the code of conduct side, were you thinking that it would apply to the interviews and storycorps? Because I don't think we have any interactivity on the site that would necessitate it for site usage.

This stemmed from a conversation or a thought process to ensure that StoryCorps project stories (self-submitted or facilitated), moderators, and transcript editors have a Code of Conduct to work from when encountering potentially tricky issues.

I can work on sketching out more where people would interact with the project as a whole, what role they fill, and what do we owe to each other to make sure we post the best guidelines in the right places.

Closing this because I can't remember where I was going with it.