Issues with PSP games
Closed this issue · 3 comments
There are about 4 PSP games that still dont work via Openspy yet.
2 games that I tried recently (yesterday) are :
- Worms Battle Islands
- Infected
These games have issues seeing other players in the lobby and connect to them.
For Worms Battle Islands the game could crash the PSP for at least 1 player after the game is about to start.
In the past I tried 2 other games and they are :
- Marvel Trading Card Game - Can't create or use an account to connect , thankfully the game got a LAN mode that is easy to use.
- Warhammer 40,000: Tactics - Can't establish a connection between games properly.
OK seems like Worms works now and doesn't crash anymore. (still buggy in places though).
EDIT: Warhammer and Infected cant find the other player in matchmaking still.
May be a related issue to WWE 06 on PS2 which got matchmaking issues that are similar.
These issues should be resolved now, if not reopen and let me know. Thanks for reporting and my bad on the delay answering this.