
Policy exception: change the default no-asm implementation in 3.0 to the faster non-constant time version

paulidale opened this issue · 4 comments

Topic: OTC approves the OMC request for an exception to the stable release
policy to allow changing the default AES for no-asm builds from the
constant time one introduced in PR#10828 to the prior non-constant
time version.
Proposed by: Tim
Public: yes
Opened: 2022-01-25
Closed: 2022-01-25
Accepted: yes (for: 7, against: 1, abstained: 0, not voted: 2)

Dmitry [+1]
Matt [+1]
Pauli [+1]
Tim [+1]
Richard [+1]
Shane [+1]
Tomas [+1]
Kurt [ ]
Matthias [ ]
Nicola [-1]

Our voting policy was not followed for this issue.

Which part?

I forgot the "accepted" tag which is there now.
The vote file name has a typo but still follows the required format. I'll fix.

I had some git merge annoyances but I think I've sorted them out.

@t8m figured it out, I pushed to the mirror repo not the main one.