
vote: FIPS indicator design

mattcaswell opened this issue · 5 comments

Topic: OTC approve the FIPS indicator design presented in PR#23609 subject to the
normal review process
Proposed by: Matt Caswell
Issue link:
Public: yes
Opened: 2024-05-28
Closed: 2024-05-28
Accepted:  yes  (for: 6, against: 0, abstained: 0, not voted: 0)

  Dmitry     [+1]
  Matt       [+1]
  Pauli      [  ]
  Tim        [+1]
  Hugo       [  ]
  Richard    [  ]
  Shane      [+1]
  Tomas      [+1]
  Kurt       [  ]
  Nicola     [+1]

See openssl/openssl#23609

The vote was already closed in the meeting - so immediately closing this issue. Members not present may still record their votes.

Vote: [+1]

The issue link is wrong

Oops. Sorry - corrected.