
:art: Code Coverage for your CSS!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSS Coverage!

Greenkeeper badge

Generates coverage information of your CSS files and creates reports using the optional source maps.

How is this different from other CSS coverage tools?

  • gives coverage information on your source files (SASS/LESS/Stylus/etc), not just the compiled CSS file
  • provides a command line script to run against individual test files

What can I do with css-coverage?

You can use the command line version to:

  • test a CSS and HTML file one at a time
  • use css-coverage as part of a build (like in GruntJS)
  • generate a LCOV Report for use in services like Coveralls or HTML reports using lcov

Can I make Reports?

You can also generate LCOV Files for Coveralls or just HTML reports:

# Run CSS Coverage and generate a LCOV report (with verbose output)
css-coverage --css ./test/test.css --html ./test/test.html --lcov ./css.lcov

# Optionally Generate an HTML report
genhtml ./css.lcov --output-directory ./coverage

Commandline Options

Usage: css-coverage [options]

Generate coverage info for a CSS file against an HTML file. This supports loading sourcemaps by using the sourceMappingURL=FILENAME.map CSS comment

  --html [path/to/file.html]               path to a local HTML file
  --css [path/to/file.css]                 path to a local CSS file
  --lcov [path/to/output.lcov]             the LCOV output file
  --verbose                                verbose/debugging output
  --ignore-source-map                      disable loading the sourcemap if one is found
  --ignore-declarations [move-to,content]  A comma-separated list of declarations to ignore
  -h, --help                               output usage information