
Faffy user data not backed up

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Faffy isn't currently backed up.

We have some free storage on ironbelly where we could store the occasional snapshot.

Would it be easy to add a note reminding users to back up their data in the motd with chef?

We can certainly add a message to motd but what are you suggesting it should say? Just warning people to backup? or are you saying we should somehow allow them to backup to ironbelly and tell them how in the message?

I'm not sure taking snapshots is going to fly - firstly snapshots of what? The whole filesystem? Aside from the fact that I don't think here is any technical way to do that they would be huge.

For outsiders: faffy aka "dev" is not being backed up as a conscious decision, not because of an omission.

If there isn't anything in the account creation documentation we should add it. Adding to the MOTD might be good, but we shouldn't be managing backups for users. If they have data that they need on there they can back it up however they want.