
question - change binaries folder

akhlystov5 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi All,
Sorry it is not an issue really - is there a way to change a default folder where postgresql binaries are copied?

I can see this log line, but I would like to change this folder.

11:23:24.529 [main] INFO com.opentable.db.postgres.embedded.EmbeddedPostgres - Postgres binaries at C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\embedded-pg\PG-079c02219d600ad48750928fdfa83672

Well it just uses the temp directory. Is there a particular usecase?

The problem we have is that company firewall scans everything in the user folder and we have our development folder as exception to antivirus checking.
It is quite slow
13:24:53.210 INFO c.o.d.p.embedded.EmbeddedPostgres - 5ef605b2-207f-4cca-91cb-07c5ced3c658 initdb completed in 00:00:13.198
to start and stop PgSQL instance in user/ folder that's why I want to change it.

It should be .a trivial PR. Please feel free to submit one.