- 0xkrane
- al3mart@r0gue-io
- amironoff
- astanziola.
- barronwei
- BenWhiteJam@paritytech
- bmorelax
- camfairchild@opentensor
- daedalusMontevideo, Uruguay
- DammianMiller
- dendisuhubdy@bitwyre
- denisfitz57
- depolt
- dvmazurMadvillain Bistro Bed and Breakfast Bar and Grill
- faizanbashirHoneywell Connected Enterprise
- fly51flyPRIS
- GanbenC Lab
- j-greig@GraphicalHouse
- jumbojettMITRE
- KalinNaidoo
- kudkudakWarsaw
- liaopeiyuan@rabbit-hmi
- louis030195@stellar-amenities
- lukepark327Seoul National University
- mr-Cat-dev
- ms337Replit
- ndubuisx@Microsoft
- shnwang@Bytedance
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- urcades@tloncorp
- vanechu
- Venka97MILA
- Volt40
- wandcrafting
- wwootenfoundry
- xinxinluo123Southeast university