
RCP API Version: 5

Closed this issue · 8 comments

there is an error when I using connectedhomeip/otbr:te7

Jan 24 05:43:06 leo-virtual-machine otbr-web[252]: [ERR ]-WEB-----: OpenThread daemon is not running. Jan 24 05:43:06 leo-virtual-machine otbr-agent[224]: 49d.17:03:30.014 [NOTE]-PLAT----: RCP API Version: 5 Jan 24 05:43:06 leo-virtual-machine otbr-agent[224]: 49d.17:03:30.014 [CRIT]-PLAT----: RCP API Version 5 is not in the supported range [4-4] Jan 24 05:43:06 leo-virtual-machine otbr-agent[224]: 49d.17:03:30.014 [CRIT]-PLAT----: CheckRcpApiVersion() at ../../third_party/openthread/repo/src/lib/spinel/radio_spinel_impl.hpp:412: RadioSpinelIncompatible

jwhui commented

@Leo2442926161 , you are trying to use a recent RCP build with a not-so-recent host build.

SPINEL_RCP_API_VERSION was incremented to 5 in openthread/openthread#7118.

I suggest updating your host side implementation to one that includes openthread/openthread#7118.

Hi Jwhui, thanks very much for you quick reply.

I am using the matter border-router with connectedhomeip/otbr:te7, how do I upgrade it?

jwhui commented

I am using the matter border-router with connectedhomeip/otbr:te7, how do I upgrade it?

If you want to use that particular Docker image, then you can try building an RCP image from some time before openthread/openthread#7118 was merged.

Hi Jwhui, thanks again.

it works when I used old version, but it was running a little bit odd. for example,there is an error returned when I following a demo that pairing devices to border router, do you know what's going on?

dataset active -x
Error 23: NotFound
Active Timestamp: 1
Channel: 17
Channel Mask: 0x07fff800
Ext PAN ID: 071e65b3434eee82
Mesh Local Prefix: fd8b:c900:524e:abc5::/64
Network Key: 36abed0b207ea3d9b7f82f7bcff2e2b5
Network Name: OpenThread-d2aa
PAN ID: 0xd2aa
PSKc: bd2e9509981ae47f51c1480478cd6697
Security Policy: 672 onrcb

dataset active -x
Error 23: NotFound
read: Connection reset by peer

jwhui commented

@Leo2442926161 , can you enough detail to reproduce your setup? Please include hardware, git revisions, build commands, etc.

@romacdon @lmnotran , have you run into this issue before?

Hi Jwhui, thank you so much for your help.

maybe that caused by exceptional "out/python_env/bin/chip-device-ctrl", which I post a feedback it in this link: project-chip/connectedhomeip#13857

I checked the RCP commit (ec69725) out and running it on BRD4166A, the host is running at Ubuntu 20.04 in VMware.

the commands are below:
docker run -d --name "otbr" -it --rm --network host --privileged -v /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/radio connectedhomeip/otbr:te7 --radio-url spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/radio?uart-baudrate=115200 --backbone-interface ens33

The link is what I followed:

Hi @Leo2442926161 Can you post the sequence of commands you used on otbr before dataset active -x?

I am unsure about the connection reset error you are seeing, but I was able to reproduce the NotFound error at my end, and I don't think this is a bug. I can see this happen in the case where you have created a dataset on a factory reset otbr, and have not committed this yet.

In my case I was able to reproduce the observation with the following set of commands:


dataset init new

dataset active -x
Error 23: NotFound

Active Timestamp: 1
Channel: 22
Channel Mask: 0x07fff800
Ext PAN ID: 875cfce9fe54c074
Mesh Local Prefix: fdbf:9cb5:3deb:7a92::/64
Network Key: 1b6273d76e749959e4c7d4c81c331b2b
Network Name: OpenThread-15b2
PAN ID: 0x15b2
PSKc: c5cc7fbdad252eb8ecab3f597d55a729
Security Policy: 672 onrcb

dataset active -x
Error 23: NotFound

This link: doesn't seem to have any commands related to dataset manipulation.

Hi Hemanth,

I am so sorry for reply late beacause of long holiday.

it works after the version of rcp matched otbr, thanks very much.