
Verified creator flag in GitHub Marketplace

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello guys.

Would it be possible to make opentofu/setup-opentofu marked as "Verified creator" in GitHub Marketplace please?

Example (


Thank you...

Hey @ruzickap this may be possible, we'll look into it. For reference to anyone reading this, here are the docs on how to do this:

I wonder if this might tie-in with opentofu/opentofu#1236 in terms of steps for GitHub to recognize OpenTofu as a published/verified creator/partner organization.

For reference to anyone reading this, here are the docs on how to do this:

From recent experience, that docs page serves more as a list of prerequisites rather than a complete how-to guide, unfortunately.


Shown in the screenshot above is email confirmation that "devsectop" organization's publisher account is verified as of a few hours ago. Despite this, the marketplace listing for OpenTofu via PR Comments (devsectop/tf-via-pr-comments) GitHub Action lacks the Verified Creator badge.


When I followed up with GitHub Support, I was helpfully pointed towards the Technology Partners program: one of the benefits of which is the Verified Creator badge.


We recommend that our partners who create actions request the verified creator badge by emailing us at because the badge provides several benefits that are outlined below.

In addition to the email address above, they also have an online submission form to kick-off the process through the appropriate channels.