
After enable video or voice during call stream not connect

saeed-lotfi opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
In the first connect Opnetok without enabling mic or camera and after enabling camera or mic nothing will change and voice or video will not show till use subscribeToAudio = true or subscribeToVideo while = true while hasVideo or hasAudio is true
notice : it's just happen in first time

To Reproduce

  • Connect devices as subscribe and publisher with out enabling mic or camera in publisher
  • enable camera or mic in publisher
  • subscriber not receive stream

Android 13

This is a really major issue. Thanks!

Hello, what version of the SDK are you using? I'm not completely clear on the error you are seeing so if you're able to provide a minimum working example of the bug that will be a huge help. Thanks!

I'm currently using the "2.21.5" version, which is fine, but after updating to the latest version, it no longer works. 

This should be marked as fixed with the Feb 2023 release 2.24.2. The release notes have a point stating:

  • This version fixes an issue where audio would remain muted for users under certain circumstances.

I tested it out and it seems to have fixed the issue.

Thanks, @advaitsaravade.
@saeed-lotfi, I'm closing, since this was fixed in 2.24.2.