
Vulnerable package dependency lodash 4.17.11

my-name-was-already-taken opened this issue · 1 comments

OpenTok depends on "lodash": "^4.17.11", which has a vulnerability and should be replaced; see below the output from yarn audit:

yarn audit v1.19.1
│ high          │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash                                                       │
│ Patched in    │ >=4.17.12                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ opentok                                                      │
│ Path          │ opentok > lodash                                             │
│ More info     │                        │

@jeffswartz Correct me if I am wrong, but I still see the 4.17.11 dependency in the package.json file. The pull request above doesn't seem to fix this issue. Any update on this?