
Incomplete SpanContext type on npm

lykkin opened this issue · 9 comments

It looks like the SpanContext class definition in the published version is empty (i.e. missing toTraceId and toSpanId methods). Interestingly enough, when I build this locally the class definition that's produced looks proper. Caching issue maybe?

published span_context.d.ts:

export declare class SpanContext {
export default SpanContext;

locally built span_context.d.ts:

export declare class SpanContext {
     * Returns a string representation of the implementation internal trace ID.
     * @returns {string}
    toTraceId(): string;
     * Returns a string representation of the implementation internal span ID.
     * @returns {string}
    toSpanId(): string;
export default SpanContext;

This was added recently and not yet released.

@yurishkuro Any objection to release this?

no objections, e.g. 0.15

what's the approximate release date?

chlab commented

Just stumbled over this as well. Would be great to get a new version on npm that has these two methods.

@bcronin do you have instructions on releasing this package?

@yurishkuro , I added you as a package maintainer on npm.

As for instructions for releasing the package, the package looks to have been updated quite a bit since I last touched it 3 years ago so don't know if anything is needed beyond a version bump and npm publish.

@bcronin I see that you did the last release:

3abef18 - 0.14.2 (1 year, 3 months ago) <bcronin>

It seems like there should be some "build" step before "publish".

I think it'd be npm run prepare, but that's currently giving an error at HEAD.

I've published 0.14.4 to npm which fixes this issue, thanks!