
The Viewer sometimes fail

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The Viewer sometimes fails with an exception generated by the grid.

The following script works on my machine. It creates a Grid based on a function which has a vector output.

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
import numpy as np

t_min = 1.e-10
t_max = 1.0
n_times = 100
timeGrid = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, n_times)

g_function = ot.SymbolicFunction(["t"], ["sin(10 * t) * t", "sin(1 / t) * t"])
timeSample = ot.Sample.BuildFromPoint(timeGrid)
result = g_function(timeSample)

grid = ot.GridLayout(1, 2)
graph = ot.Graph("", "t (s)", "T (°C)", True)
curve = ot.Curve(timeSample, result[:, 0])
grid.setGraph(0, 0, graph)
graph = ot.Graph("", "t (s)", "c", True)
curve = ot.Curve(timeSample, result[:, 1])
grid.setGraph(0, 1, graph)
grid.setTitle("Frasil dynamics")
view = otv.View(grid, figure_kw={"figsize": (7.0, 3.0)})

On my machine, I use Matplotlib 3.5.2 on top of Python 3.10.
But CircleCI uses Matplotlib version 3.7.0 and it fails:

ValueError: keyword grid_b is not recognized; valid keywords are ['size', 'width', 'color', etc.]

On top of the error stack, there is the Viewer:

File ~/project/AS-Frasil/, in View.__init__(self, graph, pixelsize, figure, figure_kw, axes, plot_kw, axes_kw, bar_kw, pie_kw, polygon_kw, polygoncollection_kw, contour_kw, step_kw, clabel_kw, text_kw, legend_kw, add_legend, square_axes, **kwargs)
    290 if (graph.getLogScale() == ot.GraphImplementation.LOGY) or (
    291     graph.getLogScale() == ot.GraphImplementation.LOGXY
    292 ):
    293     self._ax[0].set_yscale("log")
--> 295 self._ax[0].grid(b=graph.getGrid())
    297 # use scientific notation on non-log axis
    298 axis_mask = {
    299     ot.GraphImplementation.NONE: "both",
    300     ot.GraphImplementation.LOGX: "y",
    301     ot.GraphImplementation.LOGY: "x",
    302     ot.GraphImplementation.LOGXY: None,
    303 }

I cannot reproduce the bug. However, my guess is that the faulty line is:


I cannot explain why there is a b = graph.getGrid() input argument to Matplotlib's grid function. In my opinion, this should be:


already fixed in #2221

Ok, thank you for that. I will stick to matplotlib 3.4.3 until I can access OT v1.21.

any version <3.7 is ok