
Create configuration to support Andrew Brown Cloud Bootcamp

loujaybee opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Integrate with Andrew Browns upcoming Cloud Bootcamp.


Tweet for bootcamp:

Required for the bootcamp:


Should that .gitpod.yml or devcontainer.json should be in the same repo.? OR are you planning to create a new one?

Project vision regarding providers / file support

@Siddhant-K-code -> We should make the project agnostic of tools and providers (we should update README and docs to reflect this stance). The purpose of the project is to be accessible to beginners to get up and running doing things in cloud as cheaply and easily as possible, whilst minimising challenges such as breaking local machine from running linux commands etc. They might want to run in the cloud, or on a provider if their laptop isn't a high enough spec. So would be good if we have portability between local + cloud. How exactly that we do this, is up to us. It might require a bit of copy/paste, and some careful of usage of things like Dockerfiles, and/or external scripts, but let's see as we go on.

What is needed in the project, base image, etc.

I believe we can support @omenking's cloud bootcamp, as a way to figure out what technologies to add first into the base image and project. That's a good way of testing if this setup, instructions, documentation etc all work well for beginners. We just need to look back through the specification from the cloud bootcamp and make sure all the necessary tooling is installed, and correct versions, IDE extensions etc are all setup. Maybe have a nice onboarding experience with some terminal commands or messages when a user starts the project.

Project vision regarding providers / file support

@Siddhant-K-code -> We should make the project agnostic of tools and providers (we should update README and docs to reflect this stance). The purpose of the project is to be accessible to beginners to get up and running doing things in cloud as cheaply and easily as possible, whilst minimising challenges such as breaking local machine from running linux commands etc. They might want to run in the cloud, or on a provider if their laptop isn't a high enough spec. So would be good if we have portability between local + cloud. How exactly that we do this, is up to us. It might require a bit of copy/paste, and some careful of usage of things like Dockerfiles, and/or external scripts, but let's see as we go on.

We Could create something like this but for the configurations of XYZ tools/products.

Related comment from document:

I added a "roadmap" to the repo README. For this bootcamp, I think we'd need: AWS + AWS CLIVS Code extensionsPythonDyanmoDBLocalAnything else you can think of, Andrew?I'll also work on devcontainer + codespaces + local support, but if you're happy to go with Gitpod, it's already got the basic config now, but I'll keep refining and updating

Momento CLI needs to be installed. If there is some kind of Postges extension to navigate local database. If there any extensions that might make working in Python/React easier. Maybe a library to tailing CloudWatch logs such as